Other MMO are not as competitive like WoW. Bosses there in PvE die regardless if there are noobs on the group. That’s a boring game for competitive players.
But WoW caters for everyone. There are differing levels of difficulty for each players. There is LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic Raid. There is Normal. Heroic, Mythic 0, Mythic+2 to 15 on 5-man dungeons. It caters everyone.
On PvP, here is the case. Casual would just fear the Top 3% or 5% players. And these Top players are few. Casuals just need to catch up to be able to in par with top 50% of the players. And top 50% players of WoW are Casuals. But the thing is, the new players still need to work hard to be able to catch up since they are against players who’s been here in WoW for years.
It’s not a big problem to play WoW.
But to become the top 5% would be a big problem for Casuals. You would need to render a lot of time (become 24/7) to be competitive against top 5%.
They should increase the item level on the Zereth Mortis gear because otherwise the cypher gear perks (which are fun to use) are going to be much closer to being totally obsolete. I get to Zereth Mortis on as many characters as possible when I see at something like a Cryptic Mask is offered as a quest reward, because I like collecting the ones with crystallic sockets
Also currently Zereth Mortis is a not-that-bad alternative to a painful honor gear grind, because the gear has a lot of versatility and is only 7 ilvls lower than max rank honor gear. After this it’s just going to be bad
I know the website the OP is quoting, but if you look at icyveins or try upgrading honor gear on the PTR it only goes to 285, not 294. Unless something drastic is going to change, That makes much more sense considering conquest gear doesn’t hit 294 until the 2nd upgrade tier. Honor gear will have the same gap between it and maxed conquest that it has had all expansion, unfortunately.
As I said on the CC forums and constantly elsewhere, they should have just added the DF PvP gearing for this “experimental” season. Would make sense to do so, make a bunch of people happy too. But they don’t seem to want to do that, so meh.
And to be clear, Since December FF just added 3 new Battleground maps, and are redoing a 4th.
That’s more than WoW did for pvp in the last decade. (and the next 2 years as well if they really have nothing to add for DF)
The way pvp gear SHOULD work is this way:
Honor gear does not have ranks
Conquest does have ranks
When entering into Rated PVP content (RBGs and rated arena) your PVP and conquest gear are set to a fixed level, no matter your rank. You can be a gladiator in fullly upgraded conquest gear, or a new pvper in honor gear, your ilvl is the exact same.
Ranking up your Conquest gear makes it a higher ilvl in all other content BUT rated pvp content.
Yet, knowing from past experience gear will be replaced before max level in Dragonflight, so why should we care about ilvl at all? I just want my +15’s done for KSM so I will just gear to complete that goal then stop caring.
What’s it matter to you what the answer is? Do you think a world quest champion is going to suddenly displace a world first mythic raiding tryhard from their raid spot? Do you think there is a finite pool of gear and every drop a solo casual gets removes a potential future piece a “more deserving” tryhard doing “real content” is thus denied from obtaining?
Im a casual. I use lfr only since i do work crazy hours and still love to make my wife happy. I know this season 4 will be boring for me since most likely i will not see this new difficulty. I hope blizz has something for us. Even if i get to do mythic 0, those are still upgrades for me, but for how long?
I have a LOT of friends switching to FF 14. I haven’t, because I’ve always loved WOW, but the reasons they often cite are “more casual, player housing, and a more welcoming player base.” I am not a raider and I don’t even do current dungeons. I only came back because of the Cypher Of The First Ones. It seemed that WOW was finally doing something to help the casual player, while not raising their gear to levels that would make the big boy raiders throw a tantrum. Now, I guess they just forgot about causal players in this patch. FF 14 has knocked WOW off it’s perch. Maybe for good. Blizzard will learn and respond, or watch WOW turn into Everquest.
I’m going to resist the urge to say something rude, to counter your something rude. What I will say is this. You see the numbers. You see the dead servers. The first step to fixing a problem is admitting that one exists. Attitudes like this are why WOW is known for having a large amount of toxic players.