Ilvls in season 4 broken down by activity

294 for maxed out unranked pvp gear?
Back to the random BG’s.

Dang, it would be good if there was like, near 2 decades of content to play on your self imposed single player mmorpg, idk.



294 in PvP content, 268 ilvl otherwise

Note for new players of MMO:

MMO is a game of grind. The more time you spent on your toon, the better your toon would become. If you are Casual who has less play time, it’s expected your toon to become inferior. Remember this WoW game is 18 years old. You are against players who’s been here in WoW for many years.

But I dont discourage you. If you are new, you have to work hard to catch up. In time with your patience and persistence, you would be able to catch up. And when you catch up, you wont need long hours anymore to maintain a decent toon.

On PvP, expect to face a hardcore no-life player in there. If you persists on catching up with gear, and made a hardwork to learn your toon’s specs, in time, you would be able to defeat these hardcore players.

Dont be like many casuals there who are afraid to face difficult content. Everyone was once a noob. Once you overcome the lengthy learning process, you would eventually improve.

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Why I don’t care about gearing in a nutshell

That’s fine, nothing in the open world worth doing after reset anyway.


Those are WoW problems.
Those are not problems shared by most of the other MMORPGs that make up their primary competitors, most especially in PVP.

That makes it a much larger WoW problem when discouraged players have options that DO support casual players. WoW isn’t exactly growing, and ignoring it’s problems is one of the reasons why.

The “but I had to suffer so we shouldn’t ever make it better!” argument is a bad argument.
FF = Get to level 30 and after those 10 hours your on fair footing with their entire playerbase, no matter how many years they played for.

WoW = Be 1%, or your not worth the slot in this random battleground (and don’t worry, they will let you know you’re not wanted there)

That’s a big problem.


Better than playing your forcible drudgery that requires angry and unhappy players like you making everyone around them as miserable as they are.

If you were happy doing what you’re doing you wouldn’t be working so hard to make other people miserable.

You’re kind of right, if you approach it as you do, from the perspective that “This is a game. Games aren’t supposed to be fun. If you’re playing the game to have fun, you’re playing it for the wrong reason!”

It must be our fault that Blizzard screwed up so badly. Couldn’t possibly be anything they did. Are you a forum alt of an employee?


Hmm. Back to ESO then.


That sounds like a whole lot of projection Mr.Carpet

I am thinking positive not like you.

If Season 3 is this and I made it to M+15 all on PuGs,

Keystone Level Weekly Great Vault
+15 278

I bet you that I would get ilevel 304 on Season 4 becoz I handled M+15’s before.

Season 4

Keystone Level Weekly Great Vault
+15 304

If you weren’t an unhappy control freak, you wouldn’t be working so hard to micromanage how you think others should be permitted to play, even how they are permitted to feel about the game in your small-minded world. I’m not telling other people how they should be forced to play. Although it doesn’t look like you play. Do you?

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Who’s controlling or suggesting you do anything?

And who’s unhappy because it doesn’t sound like me in this exchange

There’s plenty of facets of the game I don’t enjoy and guess what? I just don’t do them AND without behaving like I’m entitled to an alternative, it’s not hard m8 maybe try it?

Have a look in the mirror pal

Idc what you do :joy::joy:

You and your “get out of my game if you aren’t willing to play the way I tell you to, which even I am not playing”.

So much unawareness. Or maybe not. Are you working off a script? You act as though you think you’re getting a cash bonus for every paying customer you drive away from the game forever.

In general, ilvl for me is not a big deal. The things that contribute most are the tier set and the double legendaries. Since I do mythic+, to unlock the highest rewards, I do not need much gear because you can make up for low gear with skill.

Knowing that if I miss a bis piece at 278, I can get it with a 2 next patch makes me happy. I don’t care so much about gearing, anything I get will be replaced soon anyway. I just let the gear come, it’s not so important.

Here is a log from a 22 on one of my alts:
He was 249 ilvl and still kept up because he had the tier, bis legendary powers, and a skilled player controlling him.

That’s not my position at all and you seem very angry

I thought you said games are for fun and you have fun and I don’t?

It doesn’t seem like WoW is a source of fun for you bud.

Again, idc what you do and I don’t know if it surprises you but I didn’t design this patches content :joy::clown_face:

So amazingly little self-awareness. Someone who “doesn’t care” but has blanketed this thread with posts ordering people to play some way that doesn’t challenge your life choices.

Go do old content if you value it. Lots of people have done way more of it than you do and don’t want to repeat something you never did the first time around.

I do not like this. The beauty of LFR is that its ilvl was always complete garbage compared to anything else thus eliminating the need for me to do it. Now if I want gear progress, I’m gonna have to do LFR? :face_vomiting:


I can invite you to my valor farms if you would like, that will get you 278 or more. I would enjoy it, gnome bonus.


Why would I do that pal I got new content to play and ilvls to get :joy: