Yup, as 169 fury:
Arach has 416k health, bonepicker has 81k health. Regular level 50 mobs in mech have 9k health which is the same as lvl 60 mobs in Maldraxxus that I’m staring at right now. Good times.
Yup, as 169 fury:
Arach has 416k health, bonepicker has 81k health. Regular level 50 mobs in mech have 9k health which is the same as lvl 60 mobs in Maldraxxus that I’m staring at right now. Good times.
I feel like tIlvl scaling isn’t need for world quests anymore, because hey made the Shadowlands World quests multi-step and involving, very few of them are “go here and kill this dude”.
ya it kinda compounds the time sink problem i agree.
It’s the most anti-fun mechanic they could have possibly slipped into this game. It’s such a dumb function.
Overworld stuff doesn’t give really big rewards in this expac already. No one is clamoring for that 35 anima, lol.
Progression is important in MMORPG’s even during leveling. This feels like a game that they’ve kept leveling in, because of tradition. But the game isn’t focused on it. Because you have to get to a certain ilvl before progression happens. It feels like garbage and is garbage.
Nzoth assaults are soloable, idk about Nyalotha tho
You are insane to want regular mobs challenging. Who and what are you? What other sadistic things do you enjoy?
Cool, tell that to the rest of the people that gave feedback and caused the change to happen.
High level math
The change happened because quest mobs were dying too quickly for people to get a tag on it back in legion where we hit a lot harder and ilvl was still inflated. As I recall feedback on it was still overwhelmingly negative for the same reasons and blizzard basically just shrugged and told us to deal w it. That original problem is no longer valid now that we are basically back in burning crusade/wrath
I’d be willing to guess they also challenge themselves in real life and grow from it, and as a whole are very successful and happy.
I am also totally projecting.
The forums account for less than a percent of the playerbase. They are a vocally loud minority. People usually only come to the forums to complain about things. Therefore, it’s biased and gives you the illusion that “eberwee won haits webble scawwing”
Until they lose subs, they won’t care.
They do lose subs. They just don’t care because it extends the gametime of every other player.
I have a 157 druid and a 88 druid.
the 88 is literally having an easier time fighting the same kind of stuff, lol.
Doesnt feel quite as bad as BFA did,but still got some common core math going on here, lol
So if youre not going to listen to forum feedback how do you think theyre supposed to get it? The initial change in legion was unannounced and after huge backlash they removed damage scaling and reduced health scaling but there wasnt a large positive encouragement for this
Had more to do with the metrics they watch on the server end like TTK and how often people were dying. They take the forum crying with a grain of salt.
You forget that almost every single thing you do in the game is recorded in some way or another and they keep a buffer of a couple months worth of time for it.
They don’t need your forum posts to see people are having problems with killing quest mobs in the world. An initial post or two might make them start watching specific stats, but that’s about it.
“, tell that to the rest of the people that gave feedback and caused the change to happen.”
There was negative feedback, they ignored it in favor of data and blizz/ions misguided belief that what a player wants is to make your gear irrelevant and the world always challenging despite the majority of the games life working exactly like that and having the height of its subs.
So you can cowtow as much as you want and justify their choices but its an unnecessary change, wasnt liked then and shocker, its not liked now.
Link to an original article regarding scummy initial change cant be put in exactly due to whatever reason
Pcgamesn world-of-warcraft/wow-72-power-scaling
Over ilvl 180 the mobs seem much easier to kill for me.
Why do you people play video games if all you really want to do is watch a movie?
I’m genuinely curious.
BFA mobs are still scaling after the rolling restarts this morning.
Going from 169 to 171 ilvl brought Bonepicker up to 82.7k today (was in the 81s at 169).