Ilvl Scaling needs to be completely removed

Honestly I think ilvl scaling is a marketing tactic by Blizzard because the more gear you get the easier things become to complete faster such as dallies and farm runs, and for a lot of people that means less play time because they finish things way faster than people who have very minimal gear, so by adding ilvl scaling it forces you to play the game at the same pace no matter your ilvl… maybe I’m over thinking lol


I love iLevel scaling, keeps the game interesting for it’s lifetime and not just while leveling and gearing.

Plus why should only we get stronger and not our enemies ?

Trying going bear form. I was having issues soloing too until I started using Prot spec for it, then the content was basically faceroll time even if it took me forever to kill anything. But I’m very survivable and pulling adds isn’t that big an issue.

Now that my ilevel is in the 170s, I’ve started using Ret again for solo play and things in the world outside the Maw die so dang fast. I still use Prot for the Maw and Torghast though.


It better with 181. But they need to stop being lazy and rework their “scaling”, most do not enjoy the SLOW progression or even backwards progression.

I am just barely feeling a little more powerful and it sucks… I feel like playing the game is pointless if my gear doesn’t do anything more than feather my dps in a dungeon.


When you first hit Level 60, the mobs are going to jump in difficulty when you’re still in fresh questing gear.

Both my Fury Warrior and my Ret Paladin noticed a short jump but once I filled the entire paper doll with i140+ gear, things got noticeably more smooth again.

But if you’re sitting there in 120s and you get one or two blues, and then you go out and try to kill stuff, yeah it’s going to feel tough because the mobs are assuming you’re wearing i140-ish.

I was excited for PVP on a few alts but then I learned the pvp gear ilvl is based on your renown level which is simply a huge time gated grind for alts. So RIP.

Blizzard is like a person that constantly takes nice things and good ideas and bones them up.

This is why we have ants.

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Games should have well defined rules. If you do this as a player, this will happen.

Scaling isn’t clear and breaks those rules. It makes the game not fun.


Why does this sound so familiar?

Oh yeah remember the posts where if you took off your heart of azeroth neck in early BFA you were stronger in the open world because of scaling? lmao

But rather than address how broken scaling was, they just made it so you couldn’t do that anymore.


Hey, here – take this car, for free; just make sure that wasp nest I put it in the driver side airbag stays there.

Totally Blizzard.


Hahaha I remember that.

Yes this is a stupid system for a MMO. Since hitting 60 I have went from quest greens to 170 ilvl. Enemies take just as much to kill and hit me just as hard as before. Not saying I should be facerolling everything in sight at this point but I should be killing stuff alot easier than before.

When you upgrade your gear you should feel more powerful.


This is done deliberately to drag out playing time.
I understand level scaling in old zones (although I feel it should be optional).

However with the ilvl scaling Blizzard clearly wants you to spend just as long on a WQ right now as a month from now with a huge difference in gear.

I agree, its confusing i wish it was removed. Its frustrating for all players, especially new players. I have new player friends say its getting boring because they arent getting stronger.

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Yes every rpg is like this, ilvl scaling is such a terrible idea. Clearly designed to waste the players time, and certainly not to make the game more fun lol.

Ya its very sad, to be clear for some people in the thread we aren’t talking about player level scale, We are talking about ILVL scaling of gear. (i know you understand Woopee, im saying this for others in thread)

Yes, they’ve been locked into their item level system for a while now, and it always works the same for. It’s a bit detraction from the game.

Item levels jump way too quickly. Mythic starts at 184 or 185, and then look normal raid is 205 or something. That’s insane jump for content that’s basically the same difficulty level.

It really comes down to the fact that they have 3 raid difficulties and want them to all have their own item level reward. It leads to hyper inflation of item level in every expansion they’ve used it in.

I’m not even sure what the point of the level squish was if they’re just going to have us chugging along again with dramatic item level increases.

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It doesn’t need to be one shot but it shouldn’t take longer than it took at the start of BfA (with raid quality gear) and/or a patch which is exactly what is happen now 2 years later.

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Nope, I’m happy with it and it makes the game more enjoyable for me. There is zero satisfaction in one shotting mobs with an auto attack over and over and over again. They struck a decent balance last expansion in terms of time to kill.

If you want it removed, then they should give an option for it, but you’ll recieve a fraction of the rewards for it, like 1/10 of the reward and they’d scale drop rates similarly to that, to prevent it being better for farming materials. Material nodes would go back to fragments again where you’d need 10 rocks to make one ore, etc etc.

It really depends on your class. My mage could one shot things when BfA content was current. According to you that is the correct balance.

well, the supposed fix for bfa apparently didnt fix anything much like the legacy raid buff is still not correct. gg blizz