Illusion: Wraithchill

Wraithchill loses its effect when we any paladin skills… at least on Zandalari paladins

I just noticed this on my DK. It is very annoying, an completely pointless to even have the illusion at all. It has been more than a month with this same bug (I just pre ordered a few days ago), and still no hotfix. For people that spent $80 for the epic version, this is less than epic, having to mindlessly grid for hours, or wait for a week+ to get the transmog, and the illusion that just stops working.

And, actually, to be a little nitpicky, they do not do a good job (or any job at all) explaining where the hearth effect is. The game should tell you, since not everyone has been lucky enough to get any of the other effects. You shouldn’t have to google something like that, IMO.

Still an issue as of 12/4/2019. Still no blue post. Still no apology. Classic.

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Still an issue today 12/5/19. would like something of a response.

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Still an issue as of today 12.6.19.
Fix the illusion or credit our
Por favor.

Still an issue and weapon illusions in general (as well as shadowform) flash while mounted. That has been going on for a long time with no fix as well.


Still an issue on 12/6/19.

Literally no word on if they have even acknowledged this. There is “hearsay” in an above poster saying he “talked to a nice GM”, but still nothing regarding this…

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Still an issue on 12/7/19.

Funny thing to note but the appearance fixes itself when using the Sandstone Drake.

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So I spoke with a gm today in web chat, they came into game and watched me demonstrate the issue on a target dummy. They told me there is an internal report and that it is being worked on but still recommended that I submit an in game report and post in this thread if I had not already.

Did not take screenshots of the web chat, but did take this of the post chat ticket answered thing

imgur . com/a/PF5x80e

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If this does not get fixed in the wednesday patch this week, I’m starting a dispute with my bank to get a refund as the item I paid $80 for has not been delivered and it’s an absolute joke it’s taken Blizzard this long to fix it. I suggest others do the same as the only thing Blizzard cares about is your cash.

Have they even tested this on one single character before pieing it off on their customers for $80? Absolutely infuriating how trash Blizzard are these days.

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Still an issue. 12/9/19.

Furthermore, if what Dullahan said was true, and if what a poster 12 days ago said was true, they have “been aware of this issue” for at LEAST nearly 2 weeks, and have yet to acknowledge this thread or at least give us some ETA so that people like CatfishBilly don’t have to spend their own time to dispute the charge and get a refund.

To me, being that this has now NORTH of 150 posts and well over 3k views, how they haven’t just came in here and said that to ease some of us is beyond me.

I work for a software development company. I know how reporting defects go. I know how timelines and stuff go. I am part of an Agile development process and get stories made and have priorities on what needs to be addressed. Either they don’t care, or they have for some reason tabled this story for another time. Either way would be serviceable, but to NOT inform the community on said defect and that they are “working on it” is just blowing my mind now.

Was playing ptr and the illusion seems to function as intended there.

Or rather, my death coil ability and howling blast ability no longer seem to cause the issue

This reinforces my guess. PTR has TWO tints of this specific type of illusion (the one you’re all talking about, and a purple “void” one). I think they rushed the “pre-purchase special” into production early, but aren’t really going to release it bug-free until 8.3, when they release both tints.

Just a guess, though. I have no specific insight, other than understanding the mindset of software development management.

Sorry, but Blizzard doesn’t care about it’s players, or the game anymore. They refuse to fix a 7 year old bug in Karazhan that doesn’t let you loot the chest from chess event. So what makes you think they’ll fix this?

Any update?

Still goofed on live. My limited playtesting of ptr shows it working (on death knight at least) there

Thanks for the update. I was debating on (re)buying it or not. Made this an easy no. :slight_smile:

Blizzard has made an official statement.

I was able to get a refund for Shadowlands though.

Well, that is good news I suppose. Still would be nice to have a blue post in THIS thread…which is now over 150 replies and over 3.3k views. It’s been in the top 10 on the list of bugs submitted for nearly 6 weeks.

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how long have you had the prepurchase, tried getting a refund few weeks ago and they said nope

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