Still? After reset? Billion dollar company can’t even do their promo items… Incredible.
Also confirming the fel rush thing
Confirmed that this is not fixed and is still bugged.
Bump for visibility
Looks nice… before i fel rush. womp womp
Blizzard please fix!
Remind me not to preorder… I can understand bugs but ignoring your bread and butter customers over something you charged 80 bucks for is a big fat f you, and I’ll be remembering this.
Throw glaives has always been blades of azzinoth it doesn’t throw anything else so it’s not based on your transmog
It appears to just be your ability animations that bugs it out
Just adding: My Death Coil also removes the illusion wraithchill.
Since they haven’t responded or fixed it… working as intended. Thanks for buying $hadowland$.
Still nothing Blizzard? People just spent $80 on your preorder for this illusion and you can’t even take the time to respond to them?
I can confirm that the Heart of Azeroth bug was stealth fixed. Seems like they’re working on it now. Even one post saying they would, would be nice… Blizz still the literal worst at communicating.
Still no fix as of 11/8. This is embarrassing.
I’ve dumped it from my mogs and I am going to dispute the credit charges since the product I bought was not delivered. Maybe that will get the message across.
Any updates Blizzard? You guys have been back all week and its beyond the point of frustrating that this otherwise amazing weapon illusion is still bugged.
I agree fix this issue please happening every time I use fel rush ,the illusion bugs. We paid money for this it should be a priority.
This issue needs to be addressed.
Well another evening logging on and another evening where the entire reason I bought the epic edition instead of a lower tier is still busted.
Same happens on my Male Blood Elf Paladin in Retribution spec.
This also happens on my DK when Fallen Crusader procs.