iLevel Gear Disparity

You just said you destroyed people 30ilvls above you, so did you really mean you cherry picked some kills on severely weakened enemies and called it a shut out?


Take 2 seconds reread the post.

WoD gear didnt matter, because you could spend time doing just pvp and be able to earn your gear.
Thus making gear not matter, because if you put the time in you should get to be on an equal footing with everyone else once you are ready.

The other problem with gear right now is the power curve is tremendously steep going from tier to tier, it has never been this bad before


It’s an advantage, yes… but not the deciding factor.

Mostly because humans make errors, rarely do BGs have 1v1 situations… and then there’s the consideration of the class/specs of the two engaged and the environment around them.

It’s just too over-generalised to say gear will always win. It doesnt. It’s just an advantage.


Let me slap on some 430 ivl gear with every rank off IS and TD that I can find and I will duel any 460 ilvl character with 0 corruption.

Gear does matter except when it doesn’t.

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But then its still gear power and corruption takes even less skill than ilvl advantage


Not that I recall.

Arguably they weren’t good.

Still… plenty of those about and gear difference wont save them.

Though I find it bemusing how the statement “Gear decides the outcome” gets thrown around until the hidden clause “only if they’re equally skilled” … then “but not x/y/z class” (like Mage) , is mentioned thereafter :roll_eyes:

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Exactly my point. The title of the thread is “iLevel Gear Disparity” that morphed into a Skill>ilvl>“No U” debate. The 275K Bear still would have been worthless against a 470 ilvl player with optimized gear but a slighly lower ilvl player (optimized) could potentially beat a better geared player due to their skill level and a little luck from RNG.

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The problem is that it is exists. There were times gear wasn’t this big of an issue


It’s equally over-generalized to say skill always win. It doesn’t. It’s just an advantage.

All I’m saying is there are valid points to both sides of the argument. If players are equally geared, then skill should give the advantage. If they are equally skilled, gear should give the advantage.

In my opinion, WoD had it right. It had a good balance of gear progression that allowed players to gear up however they wanted. Then be able to use that gear in all aspects of the game.


Agreed… I think they could have tightened the scaling a bit for fresh toons but that’s about it. Three tiers of scaling. Fresh/honor/conquest

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Point of reference; I never said ‘skill always win’ either.

There are classes that hard-counter others (ie Hunters > Mage). This is also a contributing factor to the outcome.

Though this is what it is; a series of contributing factors. It’s not just gear alone… that’s all Im saying.

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No one seriously discussing this has ever said it was gear alone.
The problem is that the situation didn’t even exist in previous xpacs.

It should be a non issue like it once was, that is the only real problem.


Legion Legendaries

EDIT - To be fair to Mal that complaint was from WPvP.

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The Legion devs had the foresight to disable legendaries in instanced PvP.


the gap should not be that big in the first place, ilevel doesnt really tell the story either. you can have 80k hp at 120 or over a million the gap is insane


Someone did. Hence why I replied and got involved with this discussion :wink:

BTW I do agree that PvP devs need to balance this as well. I just dont agree with the premise that gear matters over everything else, which Ive seen has lead to blame.

As I shared in another thread… lost an EotS because our geared DPS were outplayed by Horde DPS. But then people started blaming the one Holy Priest for it because he/she was 106k HP. This is toxic and total nonsense anyway lol

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Which I had my own problems with the legion system, but ultimately was fine with instanced pvp then.

And your evidence against what holycow said was anecdotal at best.

Currently the power disparity (which really is the actual issue) in gear is just too much.

Yes skill will win out for the most part, but the player with the gear advantage gets the safety net that the gear provides.
Meaning mistakes they make aren’t nearly as punishing as it is for the one who has to get around the gear.


I dont need evidence in response to her claim that something which she calls “a fact”, is obviously an opinion.

When someone reaches 0HP health, they are dead - this is a fact. Because it’s a rule written into the game.

Two people engaging one another in combat with the outcome determined by a series of variables based on class, gear, stat-weighting, environment, and skill… of which she claims ‘gear will determine the outcome 90% of the time’ … is nothing more than speculation.

If anything we should be demanding evidence from her, or yourself for that matter. Do either of you have a report of stats from every 1v1 situation ever played in every BG in order to prove that factually 90% of the time the player with 30 ilvl less will lose? lol get real

‘safety net’? only in a situation where there’s two people of around equal skill and the same class.

Though Id say class utility has more impact than gear.

If you and I dueled on a level playing field, your toolkit from Monk class alone will give you much more of an advantage over a Disc Priest than me being 30ilvl above you.

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470k hp DH vs. 183k hp BM

The hunter managed to press his emergency heal before he died a moment later. The entire fight lasted just a couple of seconds.