You could have all good specs on one team vs worse, that’s a disadvantage too. Can still be won/lost despite that.
If the guardian druid isn’t carrying the flag, how are they going to meaningfully contribute to our team in WSG?
DPS? Heals? CC?
We’re basically playing a man down if the guardian druid isn’t going to FC. And then another man down if a dps has to carry instead.
Mass Entanglement
Entangling Claws
Demoralizing Roar
Skull Bash
These are effective for peels against melee, particularly in FC maps. Skull Bash good against casters.
It’s no different than a geared DPS who doesn’t know their class and performs really badly.
Or the geared healer who sits Stables while only holding 2 bases…
Met plenty of these types in BGs.
And that this sort of thing happens on both sides. Whilst your team might have undergeared players, the other team are likely to as well.
Guardian druids don’t have Thorns.
Brambles doesn’t help the FC at all? Unless the FC is the Guardian druid…
Assuming the melee don’t have any root breaks or dispels. After a couple of seconds, they’ll reconnect with the FC.
It’s the default interrupt. Yeah, it’ll stop one spellcast every 15 seconds if they’re within 13 yards.
Well, not in this case, especially in the key positions.
Even if you can “contribute” when outgeared by capping a flag nobody was watching, or providing buffs and debuffs which I guess is the attempt at a point being made above about undergeared tanks… that doesn’t speak to the issue of gear disparity at all. You could have done that same thing with or without gear and then contributed more in situations during the BG where gear does matter, which also happens.
There’s also a major issue of perception and participation. Claiming you can contribute X Y or Z with no gear is a super cool thing to say on a forum, but that doesn’t change the overall perception of the importance of gear (or other grinds in BfA) by large numbers of players or how that discourages large numbers of players from participating at all.
If they actually took steps to eliminate some of the gear disparity in PvP (IE: via scaling), you’d probably see an increase in participation. BfA overall isn’t super popular and I don’t think making PvP more accessible would suddenly make it a super popular expansion, but I still think there’d be a noticeable increase. More people having fun in a video game seems like it would be an improvement.
Reminds me of a few WSGs i was in on this bear. 1.1M hp buffed, warrior with maybe 500k said he’ll carry and the chat exploded with them telling me to carry LOL.
It’s rather funny being a raid boss even with the 50% increased damage taken but it still doesn’t seem fair to have me for example at 1M+ hp and then their highest geared sitting at maybe 350-400.
I was speaking generally. Your particular BG comp was just unfortunate that time around… with a Bear instead of something with more utility like a Boomie.
Even if Blizzard enforce ilvl requirements, it wont change the players who dont know their class or wont contribute to objectives.
And on the flip-side, Ive seen some really good players use their toolkit with low gear that have contributed toward a win.
But it is the skillz you know. Gear doesn’t matter when skills are in play.
Yea, agreed.
Correct PVE weapon 7% bonus.
Correct Essence… 7-10% bonus.
Correct Corruption… 5-30% bonus… which We can buy from the Auction House…
I smell what the Rock is cooking.
So many people have been corrupted by PvE…
The end is coming! Again!
well that was really kind of you
still the facts are the facts someone 30 ilvls higher than you will win 9-10 times
My friend who runs guardian is 960k or 970k self right now.
This argument always boils down to two things:
Those without gear think it shouldn’t matter.
Those with gear think it should.
I am 470 equipped and I think gear shouldn’t be a deciding factor in pvp.
Not to say you shouldn’t earn the gear, but there should be real pathing options for pvp gearing.
this isnt a fact … it’s an opinion
Ive destroyed players 30 ilvl higher than me as a freaking Disc Priest… and certainly more than 1 out of 10 times
Heck only yesterday I blew someone up in SSM from knocking them into the lava pool then using mind-control to keep them there until they died. Was hilarious! That had nothing to do with how much gear I had on
That’s anecdotal evidence that really doesn’t show anything though.
Wanna duel 10 times with being 30 ilvls below me and see how well you end up doing?
oh well how about all the 1v2 matches in arenas then which players win, even within BfA?
Heck someone posted a clip of Jellybeans 1v2 a Rogue/Mage in Arenas only yesterday.
if we’re talking gear disparity, then you cant get any better than that.
Duels are controlled situations in (almost always) controlled environments. It wont accurately sim
If two people are equally skilled, why shouldn’t gear be the deciding factor. Why shouldn’t a 470 have an advantage over a 440?
People constantly argue that if gear is equal then skill should win. What about the opposite? If skill is equal then gear should win.