iLevel Gear Disparity

183k hp :rofl: that’s like freshly dinged.

22k lol…

poor guy. I bet he’s on gd now making a forum post to nerf demon hunters.

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At the very end of the short fight, the DH pulled a Thanos and dropped purple stars/meteors on the hunter.

I was watching from like 60 yards away and I winced.


Why should someone with 143k hp do any better? That’s not even cloak status.

Errr…so much wrong with this lol.

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Yea, like the hunter put zero effort into even getting a piece of gear and thought he could do a 2v2 arena.

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Why would you even? I guess I just don’t get it lol.

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Daily arena skirmish win is 15 conquest.

Probably trying to cap conquest and catch up.


Not getting the conq with zero gear, zero hp, zero knockdown power. Perhaps he just had some time to kill for lols, because nothing else makes sense.

Same as above.

Edit: It did give me my first chuckle of the morning though, so there’s that. :grin:

Sometimes you get grouped up with really geared teammates and they can carry you to a win. Or, the other team might be ungeared too.

It’s not uncommon for people to not zone into skirmishes, so you see a bunch of 1v2s or 2v3s.

For example, that game was a 2v1. I was lucky to be randomly paired with a geared DH. I literally did zero damage and zero heals to get 15 conquest. My toon could have been completely naked and afk.


Can’t relate. One of the problems with the playerbase currently as I see it. Different convo though, so I’ll leave it at that.

Since we’re throwing hypothetical scenarios around, what if 2 totally equal players squared off ? Equal both in skill AND gear …

Who has the advantage ?

(skill > gear) ftw :beers:

I felt that :confused:

If only we could get vendors and make pvp gear best for pvp

From your lips to God’s ears … lol

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Depends on class/spec I suppose.

180k isn’t even close to freshly dinged.

I power leveled several classes during Korracks and none of them had even close to 100k hp when they hit 120. They were like 60-80k in heirlooms that scaled to 120. A shaman I leveled to 120 and never touched again (and probably won’t until maybe Shadowlands) that’s in heirlooms + 210-230 Legion gear has 52k hp at 120.

In fact, I have multiple alts that actually played for awhile in early BfA that aren’t at 180k HP. 180k HP is probably 400 ilvl. Perhaps those that have actually played this xpac for awhile just forgot how massively stats get inflated as ilvl increases. Logging into a 350 pally alt I haven’t played in a long time and it’s at 120k hp.


My boosted 390 toon has just over 200k. It’s boosted hp levels.

He’s BM. If he had a spirit beast out, that would tweak up his hp by 7% (endurance training).

Banish him to pvp islands until he caps at least one piece imo

Must be nice to always be the most skilled and most geared player on your team…

I wish they’d change the arena skirmish queue so people don’t zone in until everyone accepts the queue pop.

Yeah. A toon that hits level 120 after going through the main questline in each zone probably has around 78k hp.