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Warsong Gulch. 
Both teams are full.
Both teams have two healers and one tank. Good job Blizzard matchmaker! 
Let’s take a look at the other team’s healers.
Uh oh… They seem geared…
Let’s take a look at their DH tank FC.
Holy… Cow…
Let’s take a look at my team’s Guardian tank FC. Maybe we’ll be ok.
Uh… Well, he’ll have more hp when he’s in bear fo…

For future reference: At the moment, casual random bgers, who haven’t been corrupted by BFA’s PvE, probably have around 390k hp (+/- 25k hp).
Yup thats how you already can tell how a bg will go
I saw a Bear the other day and was going to attack him just for giggles. I looked closer and he was over 950HP, I let him live. 
state of Alliance PvP in 2020 
If I have my infinite stars equipped I can kill them
In before the moron from other thread comes in and says it doesn’t matter. You lost because you lack skill.
Lol don’t worry! With scaling the gear/power disparity is nowhere near as big as if was in past expansions!

I’m sure “the usual suspects” will come in here at some point and say “gear doesn’t matter” and that the 275k health Guardian Druid is a perfectly acceptable flag carrier 
A lot of Hunter pets have around 275k health now…
Sounds like a bear we had on WSG the other day. Some prot warr was all “Durr, I’ll carry, durr”, swag, appendage swing, swag. The whole team literally screamed at him, “LET THE BEAR HAVE IT!”
The bear ran it three times flawlessly. Beautiful thing. 
For a Gdruid? Even I wouldn’t say that’s good 
Oh, is that the one like the matchmaker works better now?
-Enters a Tarren Mill Vs Southshore with 10 healers versus 2-
Horde queues for that are 20-30 minutes. Think they throw matchmaking out the window for that. 10/15 mans do have good matchmaking though.
The “wow community” would rather justify how it is alright to have this disparity than ask for a even playing field. From the posts here it seems this is what the “wow community” wanted and got it. What a bunch of losers.
Lol. How did that Guardian Druid have so little hp - with buffs, mind you? Were they naked?
He’s being obnoxious. No one would say that an under geared bear should carry the flag.
Stats not being normalized will forever make bgs a total meme to me. I’m grinding BOTE on my monk right now and I have over 500k hp as mistweaver without bg food buff / priest buff. I usually do 3-4x the total healing of the next person on the list but it still doesn’t matter because every time I decide to sit in a 20-30 minute queue my entire team is 200-300k hp heros that literally can’t do any damage or heal.
Literally every single BG is a long wait just to see who has less people that are over 1 year behind on gear progression.
On the flip side, I disliked how templates just rearranged all your stats. You collect the specific items for specific reasons, then the BG template screws it up.
That’s the main template complaint. If we could stack certain stats, even to a hard cap, more players would probably support them.