Yes, lily gets it!
No, I need to know who to kill first.
Omg you’re not kidding here. Not to toot my own horn but won a rated eots because of me last night. Long story short, we were losing flag in mid due to not spinning. We chased efc to DR to force a cap. Our leader told us to go back to mid. Team listened, their players followed… having awareness I watched all their players leave so I capped DR flag. We all know how good 3 bases are. Didn’t need M+ gear for that
you are not under geared at 464. when people talk about gear mattering we are talking about players being like 420 or less now
Um, I’m 454. And people even complain about 15 ilvl diff. Also, I could have done that even if I were 420 ilvl.
do it then, if you think gear doesnt matter than play at 420 to prove a point
I would if people would take me to an RBG. Also, I’ve done these challenges. People always fall back to “well, you’re destro”
do it for randoms then. it is too bad you play a warlock, one of the least reliant classes and then tell everyone gear doesnt matter
try it on a warrior and see how you do
Cute how you put words in my mouth. When I say gear doesn’t matter, I mean you don’t have to do M+ or raids to be viable in pvp.
I mean, this hit the nail on the head.
those are two different things
i mean you can get conquest from randoms the problem is that system sucks. we have like 16 gear slots and one piece per week that you cant pick is dumb
And that’s all I’ve ever said is it’s easy to gear. Never said you could be 400 and stand toe to toe with someone 460, or top charts, like you’re insinuating…
Right on.
I found that the majority of wins / losses usually depends on which side has used their CC the most… and gear has no impact on whether CC is successful.
A single healer can keep an entire team alive in a mid-fight. If that single healer is locked down by CC, his team will inevitably fall.
A rogue reminded me of this last night in Seething Shore. Didn’t bother to engage much… just cycled through his plethora of CC to keep me from doing anything. He doesn’t need to be geared to do that.
exactly /10 char
Yea, have to agree here. If low geared, there’s other things to do to help your team out.
Your entire premise of “gear doesn’t matter” is not getting hit or noticed by someone who does greatly out gear you.
The problem a lot of us have with this is it requires the other person to be bad and you have to be great to succeed against a gear advantage.
Now in a team fight sure things like druid/mage/lock have spamable cc, so without gear they can still provide control. Not all specs have this luxury though.
Dmg, kbs and healing done are things that arent nearly as important as the objectives, but if your team lacks the strength to win team fights you can be doing the objectives all day long and still won’t win
Yea the 275k tank in the op should focus on objectives and carry the flag amirite?
Never should have gone tank to begin with tbh. Or not grabbed the flag. It’s a random bg, tanks aren’t a necessity.
True, but it’s a flag carry map if one team has a geared tank to carry the flag and the other doesn’t. The other team is at a disadvantage
Exactly. If he went boomie he could spam Cyclone all day, along with roots to peel, and beam on healers.
I’ve been in several WSG/TP where the Tank refused to carry the flag.
And some of those we won.