What item level was that dh tank?
Looking at his armory now (a few days later), he’s 465 ilevel (mythic plus gear and heroic raid gear).
For future reference: Capping conquest currently rewards 445 ilevel gear.
Maybe one of those buffs gives him more hp that I can’t identify. My dh is 467 equipped and has 850k unbuffed. (82 neck and 2 480 azerite pieces and 1 465 az piece)
I was just curious how he had so much more hp than me.
You’ve been corrupted by PvE?!
I think he had a food stamina buff and 10 stacks of some buff that might be increasing his hp.
Lol. Sadly yes.
Having a dedicated 5 man group that we just chill run keys together without fear of anyone raging or ruining the fun and terrible jokes makes a big difference. Pugging keys makes me want to just quit but 4 friends makes it enjoyable. We just get our 10-12 in each week and not farm them unless someone needs gear.
Ah yea thats it. Anima of Life and Death essence.
When I pop meta I’m around 1.3mil… I keep hoping for a tier 3 twilight devatastion drop. 18% of 1.3mil will be exciting.
How? HOw? HOW? I had 500K health in Flight Form in 8.2.5.
I see the well fed buff but that bear needs another sammich.
saw a bear with similar hp other day and 2 days ago i ran into a 255k blood dk who thought he was a dps grabing zerker and everything and was the easiest kill ever
Also just got out of a bfg with a 94k shaman that i pretty much 1-2 shot every time and a 155k hunter who was a free kill too they got smashed.
These people who come in with no gear are a waste of a slot
He isnt unbuffed though. He has the bg stam feast
I have 372 out of bear form, and I’m only 436 ilvl
It looks like he is running Anime of Life/Death but I could be wrong.
Yea that’s it. I should’ve looked closer the first time.
Hey you shouldn’t balk at anyone’s attempt to have fun this patch lol.
I hope you forsake N’Zoth and see the light soon!
Otherwise, your PvE corruption will eventually bring doom to us all and drag us into the Shadowlands…
I hate doing dungeons and detest timed runs. Visions check all the boxes…atleast it’s easy and quick to do a full run now.
I’ve never understood this concept. “Hey, we made all this new content. New bosses, in this new temple, with new items in the rooms…but you know what? RUN! GO FAST! NO, FASTER THAN THAT! FASTER DAMMIT! STOP LOOKING AT CONTENT! STOP! GO FASTER! CLOSE YOUR EYES EVEN! NO LOOKING!”
This is always how it’s seemed to me.
Why speed people through your content as fast as possible? Never made sense to me.
It doesnt matter. You didn’t win or lose cuz of gear. Just hide the hp numbers so you’ll never know who has fear or not, and you’ll notice that most of the time you lose bgs cuz of teammates not doing objectives or being overall bads.
Lol… 200 k versus 500 k is not a fair matchup
Those players dont have to engage in 1v1s or w/e, they can make themselves useful by doing objectives or supporting better geared teammates. I’ve seen undergears be more useful and help win the match better than some heroic/mythic geared player plenty of times.
People just need to understand there is more to winning a bg than just outgearing the other team.
After you get demolished at the first team fight and half your team quits best of luck doing objectives .