why don’t you try mercenary mode? it is 1-3 minutes queue; if you think you getting paired with crap ilvl horde then crap ilvl alliance won’t make any diference but a shorter wait time
Yea. Some specs are worse off now. That’s more a class/spec issue than anything.
What you said shows the real disparity in BG’s, you described it well.
Part of the group is chasing damage-healing numbers, HK’s, and KB’s.
The other group is playing the Objectives and winning the BG.
“it lets me q with no gear, get over it”
It’s almost as if players have the conscious choice to do content even when they are lower geared then they should be.
How about go get gear then do pvp instead of complaining because you suck.
This right here. People seem focused on numbers on the board… that’s not always what wins BGs. I’m not saying ding 120 and you will win every BG but it doesn’t take long to get to a point where you can positively contribute to a BG. Just like in other expansions when you were under geared, you can still harass healers/CC/peel for your own healers/respond to incs/etc…
It is a spec/class thing. The way we compensate for Blizz not providing class/spec balance is gear. Been that way since this game has existed. In BC I was Ret. Had to gear to the nth degree to get into raids or be a killer on BGs. My gear dependency was off the chain. I currently main BM. In order to do my job (assault, defend, protect) I must gear higher than my MM brothers to get the job done.
People go on and on about objectives, and yes, objectives win. But those objectives are accomplished by killing. AB ally group and horde group rush the flag at GM. Who gets the flag? The ones that kill. I’m def on that flag now, two horde rush me down the hill. Who gets the flag? The ones that kill.
We can talk all we want about objectives, those objectives are accomplished by killing typically. Save Seething where stealthies actually avoiding combat win the day lol.
It’s a bs situation expecting players to continually respec to fotm classes/specs. Most are comfortable playing their loved class/spec and gear grinding is the only answer.
Maybe one day Blizz will get it right and we can get off the fotm class/spec rollercoaster, but I’m sure not holding my breath for it…
This is what I think Blizz is trying to avoid tbh.
Blizzard is fundamentally lazy when it comes to developing core parts of this game.
If they took a page from Classic, they would make items in this game with interesting effects for that specific item. Think Cloudkeeper’s Legplates. Not this randomness of it coming out corrupted or with the appropriate azerite skills, then if not, throwing it in the trash.
If they took a page from Burning Crusade, actual PvP gear had higher stat priority on Stamina versus Strength/Agility/Intellect. That was fine, it made sense PvP gear did that. I don’t remember players complaining they couldn’t be competitive in raids with their PvP gear, they seemed to get the different gear for different applications concept.
If they took a page from Wrath of the Lich King, they would instantly realize “phasing” is TERRIBLE and unlearn it immediately! Also that talent trees for characters matter, thanks Ghostcrawler.
If they took a page from Cataclysm, Reforging was an interesting concept with potential, exercising some measure of control and options for items you get adds variety to the game. Could have had more potential with development, but hey, that takes work. Slot machine design is easy.
If they took a page from Mists of Pandaria, well, I don’t know what they’d take from it. Random stats on profession gear was stupid, maybe get rid of that.
If they took a page from Warlords of Draenor, isolating players in their own self phased area is no bueno. Currently, the chamber of heart reminds me of the garrison. However, crafted weapons/gear with ranks was interesting. Stage 6 of 6 Shrediron’s Shredder on a level 91 Hunter = Oh hell yeah.
If they took a page from Legion, Order Halls being staple and relevant locations in the world from level 1 to whatever current maximum is adds flavor to the game. In regard to the identity of the class you like to play most. Rather than sending NPCs on mission, I think it would be more interesting if the missions were sending yourself/people you play with on missions.
If they took a page from Battle For Azeroth…Warmode sucks, ultra loot lottery sucks (gear with the right stats, azerite skills, corruption, etc). Also, open this gear box and get helmets 9 times in a row, fun.
I have contributed and clocking out now for the day, you’re welcome Blizzard.
PS, I just realized I WoW-dated myself.
Do you remember when Ret had to do Kara in pvp gear? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Ret didn’t count back in BC, babeh, sorry, it hurts, I know.
I know, you didn’t DO Kara, Ret or otherwise. Gotcha, Stefani. Get in the back and tossa le heals.
I didn’t DO Kara, because I was too busy DOING AV tanking Drek while being a healer in my glorious…brownish…orangeish…crystalforge armor.
With a Lionheart Executioner? Don’t be jelly. I still love you.
We had a Ret apply to my raiding guild in TBC. The officers were actually split on whether to invite him or not.
Two minutes later then decided not to.
Number chasing has been a problem forever. People like to be proud of numbers when they can’t win the game.
Lot of them don’t know how to communicate or play objectives so the numbers is all they have.
Knowing that: You still need the gear to play the objectives if the other side has the gear.
They used to make me lead to weed through and choose pugs.
To this day I still take ret pally and dps shams first if they sign up because they got shafted so much. PVE is not series business.
That was typical. Gearing made all the difference. And most did not have access to the gear in the first place.
Well, that’s obviously what Blizzard’s matchmaker expected him to do.
It’s not like the system gave us another FC to indicate that our low hp guardian tank could focus on doing other stuff (e.g. RPing as a hunter’s pet).
For what it’s worth.
I was in a BG the other day fighting against a guardian druid with 275k health. It still took 4 of us to brink him down.
I don’t know how gear scaling is calculated but it is there.
The thing you should take away when looking at a player with low HP is they are probably not well skilled with the spec they are playing.
They don’t match make tanks as any dps with a tank role can switch to it.