iLevel Gear Disparity

They could just raise the low end spectrum of players within our Battlegrounds etc…
Maybe they will just separate games between ILVLS…

I’m generally of the opinion anything that separates players in this game is bad. Phasing and all things like it. However, gear scales up much faster now. In BC if you were season 1 decked you could kill a season 2 player. The gap is wider per tier now.


Correct, as documented. :wink:

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That’s what jd kinda pointed out about the old system though. Vendors were literally templates where you picked the stats.

Probably still too big of a gap between a fresh player at the end of the season (probably better than now though). Part of the problem now is there are half a dozen power gains. Not only did that bear have no health but he had no essences to do/take any damage. He had no corruption effects.

I somehow doubt we will ever go back to a gear is power progression system though sadly. Blizzard seems to want to insist on filling a players with mindnumbing chores on endless systems.


Speaking of that, did you collect your flesh book pages today?


Likely also just hit 120 at that hp though. It doesn’t take long to get to a decent ilvl/essences/neck level.

Lol no… Only level 9 with like 8 vessels… Pretty unmotivated to run them.

Probably longer than it took to get honor/arena geared back in the day (exception TBC, honor gearing sucked).

The only thing that’s easy right now is ilvl. Essences are definitely not. I still don’t have tier 3 of lucid dreams which is kinda important for enhance if you don’t wanna get gibbed. In fact the only essence I have rank 3 is crucible. Rank 1s are super lame. Corruptions are super RNG and I still haven’t gotten an is. Plus if you join late now you’ve missed dozens of rolls on corrupted gear.

Anyways just saying power disparity now is as big as it ever was and takes just as long to catch up. Also we had a template system with your choice of stats.


Azerite level is quick with the catch up. Corruption gear drops doing pretty much anything, minus fishing/pet battles/etc… essences, you don’t really need your bis ones right away for a random BG.

I don’t think I mentioned this?

I’ve literally only gotten out of my m+ chest and conquest chest. Awesome stuff like echoing void :roll_eyes: corruption on a decent ilvl item is pretty rare.

Again not what I’m saying. I stated that the power disparity is no different than it ever was and the time taken is as long or longer. Only now we have no templates. You didn’t need arena gear for bgs back in the day either.


^ I was saying neck level is easy as well.

Not a deal breaker regardless.

You pmuch did say you need certain ones.

And your necklace level?

And the skills in your necklace level?



More so than not having arena gear was back in the day.

/Sigh you like to argue around the actual point so much it’s mind boggling. I’m simply pointing out getting crap like rank 3 essences takes as long or longer than getting fully geared before. Same with the cloak and getting the right corruptions. So the power gap is bigger than ever and takes as long or longer than ever.

Additionally I was simply reminding people that a smarter person than I pointed we had templates with sliders (which again you just completely argued around :joy:).

Lol yea blizzard going this route was dumb. Let people log on to do the content they enjoy. Creating an endless list of chores is not a way to keep people engaged :roll_eyes:


The gap is 100% not bigger. It’s about the same but easier to close. And you don’t have to queue through just randoms or Ashran to close that gap either.

Right. That’s why that bear had less health than a hunters pet. Health pools and damage since the start of the expansion have both gone up by more than any previous expansion :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Add on to that all the random RNG corruption that you don’t even see. It is most definitely bigger than it’s ever been.

How would you know? You haven’t closed it?

Lol never did ashran, never had to. Also ashran didn’t exist in mopu


So did you win? Since “gear doesn’t matter” and it’s all about skillz. :yum:


Same as wod and mop.

You could be 440 and do fine in randoms.

I said randoms or Ashran.

Again look at that tanks health. You are objectively wrong.

Worse off than you would have been in honor gear. Unless you have some level 2 essences and corruptions.

Meh randoms were a fine way to get a basic set of gear.

Anyways jugga yet again I’m tired of getting into a gear debate with you :roll_eyes: friendly reminder from anyone asking for templates with sliders. We had them. Keep advocating and hopefully blizzard brings them back (however unlikely).


I actually do have a cpl level 2 essences on my new Druid and corruptions. Only 436 ilvl though.

TBF I don’t know who your toons are and as such can’t determine what your level of gear is, though I’m guessing you do high-tier PvE and your gear is quite good. Given the state of the factions I don’t think it’s fair to tell the entirety of the alliance that they all need to become more hardcore PvE in order to compete. Because I know for a fact that a lot of horde aren’t hardcore PvE and still play BGs.

I’d rather have a game such that gear is normalized for casual play so that the outcomes have a lot more to do with strat/skill (apart from class/spec imbalances anyway).


I think you guys are forgetting an important fact and that is spec.

Some specs are so gear dependent that the disparity right now makes them have to gear out just to be competitive. A 440 fire mage,destro lock,marksman is able to compete a lot more damage wise than a BM or arcane that needs the gearscore to match up to them. It’s fine to be a glass canon with the low gear but that does not work for all specs. Specs that work off more utility are far more gear dependent.
You can say that the lack of score works for you but it’s being ignorant of what other players and specs are dealing with. Even you are just getting by. The fire mage that is higher than you is going to put you to shame.

I feel it like crazy on my Holy. I have not felt so gear dependent on my heals in a long while. When someone else is doing triple the healing than me it is not because I am inept at pressing my buttons. Every time it is because they have high lvl pve gear. Gear that I can’t get PVPing.