Ignoring Posters

No it’s not. Disagreeing isn’t trolling.

When you include intent, the water becomes murkier.

Ain’t that the truth. I’m trying to be a bit more mindful on what threads I post in lately and one thing i’ve noticed a ton of is that a thread or post in a thread that has a rational discussion with clear points gets completely ignored in favor of the one that says “anyone who dpses dungeons is a toxic moron and deserves a ban” I think most everyone just wants drama here.

Now, we’re just going in circles.

No, it doesn’t. They would continue punishing me because the popular consensus is I shouldn’t be posting because the popularity contest deemed it so.

No such thing as “undeleting”. They “unflagged” it, probably. Again, the word “troll” gets flung around so loosely, it lost its meaning. I believe a thread you don’t like is still up, and you were hoping for it to be removed, when you the power to remove it, yourself, by muting it, but you don’t want to do that. You only have yourself to blame.

Then use them and stop complaining. The mute button helps out, a lot.

Putting you on ignore, now, since you just wanna argue and refuse to see my side.

EDIT: In the “old forums”, I would agree with you, but I see the change that Blizz made, after their apology regarding the Hong Kong incident. This is the missung context that needs to be addressed.

But, no, you want to be stuck in the past and blame Blizz for e everything :roll_eyes:

I just want an accountwide ignore. Still only have one person on ignore and I still don’t want to see their stupid threads across their alts and also putting them on ignore.


I am stating that incessantly posting sexually related topics is inappropriate for a role playing game message board.

I don’t agree, nor do I disagree with the subject matter. I have no opinion on the topic at all. Not my clowns, not my circus.

However, that discussion belongs in the off-topic section, a different website entirely, or filed in the metal cylindrical device commonly found near a desk on the floor. :wastebasket:


This is a very fair statement.

Are you flagging the posts you speak of?

Are the flags getting removed? If so then Blizzard doesn’t share your opinion.

I will read most, and usually when i get far enough and i start thinking of things i could make for dinner, i just leave.

Tis true not every thing someone posts is going to be agreed with and yeah, some people posting the same thing in different ways is totally annoying, but, i can and do just move on and sometimes i mute.

I’m going to place you on ignore now. You have never had anything of value to add to any discussion I have ever read. Always stirring the pot, and I don’t care to witness any more of it. Take care.

That also goes for the instigator below me. It takes a couple extra clicks, due to you both hiding, but it’s worth it.


I personally just ignore a thread if I don’t like it. Like I just won’t click on it. That’s how ignoring something works. I find it odd there’s players on here that think they know the rules better than the moderators. If it’s against forum rules, it will be removed.

If you think a player should be banned and their threads get restored, I think that person needs to self reflect.

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This is what I mean. There are many “forum regulars” that apparently live on the forums, don’t play the game and just have scorching hot takes that belong in the trash can.

Lots of Priests fall into this category.


You got the right idea. There are people who can’t control themselves and then get mad when x y and z system isn’t in place to help them restrain themselves.

For example, if I need a break from the forums, I can just log off. I wouldn’t go crying to Daddy Blizz about how they don’t have a system that prevents me from reading the forums.

Well, according to some you are a transphobe if you don’t agree with them.

I’m shaking in my Yeti boots.


I’ve been reading this entire thread and I’ve seen other threads by them and I disagree with you. The people who come into these threads and say “ignored” or “stop shoving lgbt down my throat” are the ones trying to provoke the OP. If they used transphobe, it was likely justified.

And you whine about being called names and sterotyped… What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

That is their right and be vocal about it as much as you do it. I don’t like you and your “friends” and I think you are a detriment to the LGBT+ community and I can say that without fear. If you wanna call me a “transphobe” be my guest (Even though I’m a bear), just shows how narrow minded you are and not accepting other peoples point of views, and just a tad insecure about yourself.

Throwing your views at unwilling people and you act shocked when there is blowback?


Going to highlight this part, because once again you linked people saying ignored to transphobia, which once again makes zero sense. I have a feeling that people are posting these lines because they are fed up with spam.

Once upon a time, they amalgamated similar threads, right now for instance, there are three threads on the front page all about the same thing. In the high elf days, they all went to a mega thread.

So, since you are so familiar with the CoC, I am sure you know about the spam section right?


I’d post it in the suggestions forums. But i agree, i have a few people on my ignored list that stalked me on the forums tossing out insults and other degoratory stuff, i do not need to see their troll threads pop upwhen they are on ignore.

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Check my posts in this thread. I did post a work around with Firefox that will do that for you!