Ignoring Posters

Can we please set this up so we don’t even see that they created a thread or reply please?

I have people muted for a reason, I don’t want them to exist in my world at all. Once I /ignore someone that should be the end of it.


It’s the type for forum Blizzard is using. Can’t do that.

Interesting, can you elaborate at all? Thanks by the way.

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Yes ignored as many as possable.

Beware the living

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If you remember the really oldforums, they didn’t have endless scrolling, but pages. Then Blizzard decided to revamp the forums and use a different model. Apparently the creator of this forum board doesn’t beleive you should ignore people, no matter what. Your request is a common one, and pops up regularly.


The only posters I pay attention to are the ones with the menu on at the drive through


I agree. If they can’t manage that, put a Mute button option on the front page so I can immediately remove the post from my sight.


You can do that. You just have to check DN under your profile settings.

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How great the world would be if we could somehow literally Thanos people from our lives with no possibility of ever having them appear again in any way. I’d love the option to also erase any memories of them, so it’s as if they never existed in the first place.


gotta snap with metal glove on first.

kinda difficult to do that tbh…

puts an ice cube on Hawkens’ back and wiggles toes

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/icecube slides inside shirt


Seconding this.

The discourse format, which is a forum platform developed by the company of the same name (https://www.discourse.org/about) believes that every voice should be heard, and having an ignore function is counterproductive to that vision.
Sadly, lofty ideals don’t often equate to workable platforms, so blizzard had to specifically ask for a modified version to support ignoring users.
Slight tangent, but they then had to further modify it again to support toons on the WoW forums specifically, which is why there are oversights like being able to sockpuppet your own toons (via likes, or even just conversing with yourself) or multi-flagging.
Hope that helps!


Just don’t read what someone says if you are bothered that much by them, just skip them over.

This is why I don’t believe in online school and too much online social interaction for kids and teens, including my own. I believe that they should have to learn to deal with people they sometimes don’t like or agree with since this is something they’ll have no choice but to deal with as an adult in the working world.


i disagree, there are other forums better suited to form an echo chamber. use those.

the current format is fine here.


Agreed. It does seem that many times a number of many people, in general, are not able to accept that others will disagree with them.


the people that use the report button as a dislike should be actioned more than anybody posting unpopular opinions imo.


Why can’t you just either not read what that person says when you get to it - or realize that their views don’t align with your own, and simply not react?

There’s no ignore button in the real world - people just make a decision to react or not react to people they don’t necessarily like.

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You can make it so their threads don’t show, but it requires an addon and some work via Firefox.

Replace battletag in the directions with name-server for WoW forums.

Also follow the link in there to also make sure individual greyed out posts are hidden.


Just don’t click on topics you don’t like, its that simple.

Does someone have a gun to your head and is forcing you to click on topics? No. So why click on topics you don’t like, just to tell everyone you want to mute and ignore everyone?

YOU are the problem, just leave people alone and select another topic from the hundreds available. nobody cares who you want to mute and ignore topics nobody forced you to click on in the first place.