Ignoring Posters

I do this the old fashioned way… I just ignore them by not reading them, relying on technology to do my ignoring for me just seems lazy.

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Good thing I have a Helm of Brilliance
+71 int
+91 str
+86 sta
Equip: Gain ability to scroll past forum topics I am not interested in.


Opinions aren’t superior to one another

If you don’t like someone’s opinion don’t reply to their threads

I haven’t ignored anyone. I love seeing the inane things here at times.

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Just a heads up.
One poster has 30 accounts.
Many have 5 accounts.
Still more have 2 accounts.
Even one uses 1 account, but all their alts that go both sides of a issue and are on the edge of forum vacations daily.

With 25000 toons on my ignore list.
And add at least 20 each day.

Let that sink in a little.


They say that it’s not conducive to debate and conversation. But they forget to mention that in the case of trolls making spam or troll threads, conversation was never intended to begin with.

I know this to be true because I’ve gone and ignored the assumption that they are making posts in bad faith, attempted to engage with them on the topic at hand, only for them to not respond and ONLY respond to the people calling them out for trolling. They don’t want to discuss the topic they presented, because it’s actually bait to spark discourse and animosity.

Nothing is ever going to change until Blizzard restructures how they look into reports. I am honestly doubtful that they will ever make a true ignore feature, or that they will shift the WoW forums to go by battle tag and not by character name like all the other Blizzard game forums.

Another thing worth mentioning, is that for the most part the majority of regular forum users have identified and acknowledge the usual suspects as trolls. But instead of just ignoring them (which you really don’t NEED a button to do) we bump their posts and give them ammunition for their true goal: To incite people and then flag and attempt to have THOSE people banned.

Collectively, we will never not be able to just NOT click those threads, or to just flag them, mute them, and move on. Everyone has to post “Posting in an ______ thread” or “This is spam” or whatever, whatever. The people who respond to those threads, myself included, are just as guilty as contributing to those dumpster fires as far as I am concerned.


oh the forums trolls wont like that. how else they going to get their daily dose of entertainment since the outside world is scary to them

Not really… I agree with you completely… There are those posters you alluded to, and then there are others who are part of a ‘brigade’. They too as Mirasol put it ‘engage in a border line activity’ but yet seem to be immune. They in their own right have made me question if I want to remain part of this community. Their toxicity quite honestly in my opinion is worse that the blatant in game chat stuff.


Just ignore them.

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delete your account. BAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! problem solved.

Yea it’s kinda obvious that some people are doing this here. We really need to be able to filter this because it get’s in the way of genuine discussions on this forum.


I have seen multiple people around here that have come right out and claim that the only reason they remained subscribed is to post on the forum. To me that seems a little bit ridiculous. Just like we have different aspects of the game that people enjoy, it appears for some that they just enjoy spending time pissing people off on the forum. Maybe the 15 dollars a month is cheap entertainment to them to troll people on a forum.

A big step in correcting that would definitely be to limit people to one posting character and account.

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Seems like every other day somebody with some new gimmicky and annoying way of posting turns up here…looking at a certain goblin…trying to get attention or who knows what…those are typically the ones I ignore. Probably some of them are the same person, so I’d be OK with a way to ignore a whole account.


You can already ignore posters by ignoring the thread and not clicking on it.

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It’s funny that you are offended enough of other posters and want them “out of your world” but you talk to others like this simply because they had a differing opinion than you.

So don’t read them.

I’ll agree with this 100%.

Not offended, just what you said was pointless and it wasn’t worth saying. It’s an obvious thing that feeling the need to point out is pathetic.



Much like your complaint.

Much like your complaint. Grow up and don’t read threads you don’t want to read or know that you’ll be upset about. You can also have some self restraint and not worry about getting in trouble by not replying nonsense to posters.

Right, you are actually one of the few people I have been meaning to ignore for some time. This dumb post of yours is a good reason.

And ignoring you is what I just did.


This is one of the only times I’ll ever agree with this guy right here, at least you have some self restraint.

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There’s a difference between having a conversation and arguing for the sake of arguing. I’ve even blocked people I agree with 'cause they’re only interested in pointless, never ending back and forth and going in circles, just for the sake of arguing. I’m not here, for that.

The people I ignore don’t. Plus, I shouldn’t have to receieve notifications from people only interested in harassing me. I shouldn’t have to subject myself to that.

Forums are fine. I have the right to filter out posters who aren’t interested in constructive dialogue.

I have found many pleasant conversations with people I disagree with 'cause they’re not interested in arguing but want to reach some sort of compromise.

It’s OK for people to put whoever they want, on ignore especially the ones only interested in arguing and fighting.