Ignoring Posters

No, it doesn’t.

Sounds like you are trying to make a joke here, but the truth is that the source of almost all of everyone’s trauma is other people. Forgetfulness is a great gift, often our only defense.

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I don’t like this idea bcuz I like to post in tmog threads sometimes and sometimes I like to do that on diff toons to show off diff tmogs .

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They are not immune. They are engaging in a really frustrating border line spam activity and in some cases, concern trolling.

The problem is that when taken individually the post is not “bad”. So the mod sees the post asking for more rainbow toys and is like “well, this thread itself does not violate the rules” - and it does not. The mods are directed to generally err on the side of the poster and assume good intent for something like that.

The pattern of behavior though is problematic and the mods don’t see that. They are not actually immune though. Nobody is. I have had a ton of posts removed when threads are deleted or cleaned up. I was not violating the rules, but the thread itself goes poof.


You are welcome to your beliefs.

I, however, have seen it happen on a near-daily basis where a post cannot be flagged as inappropriate, even though it absolutely is not appropriate discussion for a gaming forum.

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Perhaps immune is the wrong word to describe the situation, but it does exist nonetheless.

I editted the original post. As you can tell, this topic is a personal one with me.


Wells, for betters or worse being ignorant or flat out wrong isn’t a crime! Probably fortunate for mes…

That’s the benefits of discussions, though. You get various takes which can…usually be a good things! Usually.

THIS!!! We should be posting by Btag instead with the char selected as our avatar. Trust level, likes, flags - all tied to one Btag instead of hundreds of characters per account.

They have gotten that feedback from me, and others very loudly. I think they do have plans to do “something” but it won’t be soon - and I don’t know what they define as “something”.

I really don’t think they have favorites. I think some posters know how to walk the grey line by posting topics that are not against the rules…as individual topics so the mods don’t remove it…even though the overall pattern of behavior is spammy or concern trolly.


How precious you must be.

Are you just pathologically incapable of not clicking on their threads/posts?

That’s what anonymous posting looks like. To be fair, I’ve seen much worse today alone.

Activision/Blizzard uses your battletag id for their other forums. You’d still be able to change your posting avatar, but you couldn’t hide behind an alt to start trouble.


I have some bad news on that front - if you hang out on the Diablo forums you will see one or two people who run multiple Bnet accounts to post on alts and sock puppet. One went so far as to change their battletag and avatar to impersonate another poster for malicious reasons… They DID get a vacation for it and the btag name changed. That person posts here too…on multiple chars and likely multiple accounts.

The Btag account thing DOES help though in that it slows down the sockpuppeting/alt hopping. They are limited to Bnet accounts instead of hundreds of chars.

What I don’t get, is WHY someone would spend money on a game license so many times. One of them I know multiboxes, but still…

I miss Cogshanks and honestly really hope they do switch us to Btag. I really really do.


I wish I had the option to completely mute posters on this forum too. I don’t want to see a transphobe’s hidden reply in my thread whatsoever. I want them completely erased.

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Trolling is a powerful drug to some people I guess. The cost for multiple accounts is relatively low, so I can see how troubled minds could go that route.

It’s still better than the wild west we have here today.

Is it? I tend to gravitate to ppl with a similar mindset. I thought many of us did?

Although, different opinions are valid and beneficial sometimes.

I do wish when you put someone on ignore it was the whole account.


Dumb advice, this wasn’t worth the time it took you to post it.


I don’t too oftens myself, ‘cause there’s a good chance I may be wrong ‘bout something and I’ll never know if I just have folks just confirmin’ what I’m sayin’!

Don’t worry, I’ll be startin’ the Goldah cult soon enough.

Ands I do agree with that in game. Thought that was how it wents…Guess they went back on it? Only started playin’ again after a good whiles so certainly can’t say for sures! Granteds the only peoples I ignore are eithah RP trolls or creeps.

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Or I don’t want to read 400 transgender threads a week.


It defeats the purpose of a forum when one side of a topic has free reign and the opposing view is subject to suspensions.

I find myself in a lot less trouble by /ignoring posters rather quickly. It just isn’t worth it.


tagging for future reference.
Thanks for the Link.

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+1 Yes Please.