Ignoring Posters


It astonishes me that some people don’t grasp this idea.


I think it kinda defeats the purpose of a forum if ya can just…ignore what people says. What if someone has a really good points an’ just 'cause you don’t like thems you completely dismiss it?

I ain’t saying there’s no trolls (the internet kind, not the mon kind) that stir things up sometimes but if yous feel inclined to ignore someone on a public forum, where the whole points is discussion…maybe the forums ain’t for you?


I honestly don’t get it - I’ve been playing wow since 2007. I don’t have a single person on my ignore list in the game or on the forums. I just don’t understand this obsession with completely eliminating anything a person says from your view entirely. Like why would you even want that?

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There’s a person I know IRL that I personally despise because of how they are as a person and how they’ve treated me personally in the past…and they play this game. So yeah. That’s someone I’m gonna ignore…

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I enjoy some topics, with likeminded people, but if a troll starts the same topic, it might still click on it before noticing it’s that troll.

Hopefully, once Microsoft is in control, we get their software for things like the forums.

How would the forums not be for them?

Nothing wrong with putting someone on ignore who is rude and many other negative adjectives.


Certain posters deserve a space in my ignore pile, they’ve earned it.


I hate that we can’t even ignore ppl with profiles hidden either.


Oh, ignorin’ people in game is a different beast entirely. Certainly had a healthy share of weird whispers ands such, and trolls that thinks interruptin’ RP is some sorta fun. Folks can be proper weirds when they have a more private avenue for things.

On forums though, anyone doin’ stuff like that probably aren’t gonna be postin’ for too longs. Thats and they open themselves up to the public eye. Sos I wouldn’t worry about that too too much on heres.

Wells, that’s what the report button is fors! And if someone’s being rude, you has the power, as does the publics, to tell them "No. Bad post, bad!" I just think it defeats the core reasons of a forum if you had the powah to just block peoples entirely. Which is why I puts it that way: An echo chambah is harmful in more ways than ones.

Likes I said, there’s folks who post silly/rude things but seein’ how the flag function gets used it seems like the overall communities is doin’ a pretty good job self policing itselfs.

Funnily enough, I was replying to someone directly when they made a statement about the game, too, so idk why you’re telling me this. Besides, the person in question I was talking about is also a forum poster, so it applies here just as well.

You can ignore them! It just takes a couple extra steps.

Go to your own forum activity page (click your avatar) > Preferences > Users > Ignore > Add > type name-server > select a duration

Start typing their name and it will suggest autofills for you. If you want, type their name-server yourself. To get that you can click their avatar or hover over it and it will display their name-server. For example, to ignore me you would type in mirasol-mannoroth

You can also check the post history of anyone as well. That is all public.

To search posts on an account with their profile hidden just go to the search bar on the forum and enter @charname-server in the bar and it will give you all the public posts by that person.


Certain posters are report averse. They’ve been granted some unknown powers so they can spew their sociopolitical garbage however, and whenever they want.


I doubt this would kill off the troll posters tbh. Unless if Blizz makes it an account-wide ignore.

O my gosh life saver


They have ???

We need a “This post is stupid” option in reporting.


That would be a good start.

They should also normalize this forum with the rest of their’s by making everyone post on a single user name instead of the troll-laiden atmosphere we have currently.


No. That’s just his personal conspiracy.

I was gunna say lol !

The evidence sure does support the conspiracy. It’s a known fact the moderators are inconsistent and some play favorites.