Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

Isn’t that argument better suited for the people that wants to make everyone the same?

But elite PvPers should want the challenge of an equal fight. They’re elite.

Maybe if the game was better we would do more. and it is looking like it might get better.

The community needs to change before I start doing end game stuff.

Got it. They’re not doing Monks any favors. I’m with you.

Shouldn’t we? Yes, new abilities would be great. But undoing, partially, a bad decision is worth something, imo. We can be upset about losing things and still appreciate getting things back. It’s not one or the other, and I think we should appreciate some unpruning.

I really have to question your decisions if this is as true as you make it out to be. But we can also all, together, raise pitchforks and torches when they do, in fact, fail. They’re listening, they’re communicating, maybe they’re failing on some fronts-- Monks in general, Shadow Priests-- but we’re still getting more communication than we have in a long time. That’s worth something.

When they go back to ignoring everything and swimming in Scrooge McDuck piles of money? We can hold hands and throw a coup. Or collectively decide what other game we want to play. I’m down.

Screaming at them to give up and not try and ‘pull the ripcord’ does not and will not make them a better company with better systems. It’s a bandaid fix that allows us and them to ignore whatever Covenants they decide to leave in the trash. That is not an acceptable outcome to me.

You’re the one suggesting Blizzard shouldn’t make covenants a cosmetic choice, thus making it far more likely people will pick a specific covenant instead of what appeals to them.

And you don’t even play the game.

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I don’t?

Been here from Vanilla, this is news to me.

Can you even post on this forums without an active account?

it’s the same game. exact same game. exact same community.

the only difference covenants adds are another way for me to decline you from my groups and you get an extra button you get to press every 45s

tf do you care about how balanced it is for everyone else if you arent even gonna play?

I’ve got two characters, a level thirty druid and this level fifty hunter. Come at me bruh.

and you wonder why I don’t do the content for end game? Also I am heavily pushed to nerf group finder and making it harder for you to build groups in that way.

But lucky for me Shadowland is adding towers and rpg elements for me to build up. So the game is changing for the better for me.6

You shouldn’t be happy about abilities that should never have been removed being added back in, no. It’s not something Blizzard should get praise for. They were the ones that needlessly removed it, and adding it back shouldn’t be something they get credit for.

Not when they’re selling it as a feature of the expansion. I personally take that as an insult.

I’ve given Blizzard credit when they were improving their communication, but I have zero hope that it’s going to last. They’ve done this several times - and the communication dies out and players are left unhappy every time. If I’m wrong I will be happy, but I also feel that the communication should be normal. I don’t think I should praise a company for doing the bare minimum to show they value their players.

Especially when in the past Blizzard has pretty much outright said things that make me think they don’t value us at all.

Keep in mind I haven’t once told them to pull the ripcord or anything of the sort. I generally react to Blizzard coolly, and very rarely do I get particularly vocal.

Can you, or anyone else for that matter, explain to me how the option to change Covenants hurts players who want to stay loyal to a single Covenant?

From where I stand, it seems like you can stick with a single Covenant if that’s your thing regardless of how easy or hard it is to swap.
On the other hand, if it’s hard to swap players who don’t want to stick with one Covenant will feel disadvantaged and possibly walk away if the balance is bad, which it likely will be based on historical context of balancing in WoW.

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rpg elements is such a meme lmao

you guys sound like those dummies that just spam “FAKE NEWS” when you hear something you dont like. rpg elements doesn’t mean anything.

Like I’d join your ‘+3 Key Run, must have Io of 3200’ garbage pug.

you absolutely wouldn’t, because you don’t play the game and would be too busy spending time on the forums


What if it upsets my immersion if one day you are all shadow and psycho nuking stuff to level but suddenly with a press of a button you are all holy and bringing the heals? Players that are suddenly female or a different race? On and on we have choices.

Your rp is personal and not up to players follow your needs for it. Except the naming enforcement on rp realms (which I am for) there is no need for extra limitations on players. Fun needs to come first


“Just pretend you can’t” Is a dumb argument. How about you just pretend you can? Go ahead and do the quest line and pretend you just swapped.

Pretending something doesn’t make it so.

A lot of people are insisting that under the hard to switch system people will be denied groups because of their choice of covenents.

Either this isn’t true, or this is how it hurts people who want to stick to 1 covenant in a system where easy switching is both possible and the default behaviour.

I would like for guilds to make a come back (I don’t have a problem with LFG really, I just have an issue with most of the idiots who use it, plus I like having players that I play with consistently).

But then they would need a better solution to the problem of accidentally picking a bad server for your faction. For example the guild I’m in right now was the biggest Horde guild on Perenolde back in 8.0/8.1. Now I’m lucky if there are even 3 people on at a time that aren’t me. What am I supposed to do if I can’t pug? The current answer is to drop 150$ and move all of my 120s over to another realm and look for another guild, leaving all my friends on this server behind.

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Like you??

Actually, you don’t know. That’s why you supporters keep fabricating numbers.

“It won’t affect you at all unless you’re world first.”
“It won’t affect you if you’re not top 100.”
“It won’t affect you if you’re not top 1000.”
“It will only affect the top 1%, and they’re trash players.”

Read. Your. Lies.

We have a lot of players expressing concerns, and a lot of non-players like you telling us to ignore what we’re seeing. I have friends who have already left over this, because dumping more money into an expansion that YOU want to be punishing is going to be a colossal waste.

Good luck with that. You don’t even play the game, and you’re trying to convince us that black is white and day is night. Maybe if you repeat that a few thousand times it might seem like you believe it. But right now it’s clear you think players are too stupid to have thoughts of their own , and you can just tell them what to think and they will think it.

Is that how your mind works? Did someone tell you what to think and now you obediently think that?

Cut the gaslighting.