Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

This is one of the dumbest counter-arguments I’ve ever read.


So reading this it seems a lot of people are both for and against it, very polarizing for Blizzard indeed. If only there was some kind of test of some sort that Blizzard currently had running where they could test both sides and let people see which one they like more to settle this once and for all. Oh well…

As a big RP/ casual player, I support pulling the cord and making the covenants easily swappable.

Sorry, but the current setup is more about punishing choices, not meaningful ones.


It’s exactly the same argument being made. “Huehue Just pretend” Acting like pretending is the same as something actually being that way.

Sure it hurts my immersion. Also the game would be balance around it and I don’t want the game to be balance around it. Last but not least, it is still a game, and if the game allows me to do something, I’m going to take the easier path for power. If the game does not allow me to do it. I can make choices that makes things easier.

This whole “You can just not do it let me do it.” Is the most silliest comment ever. The same thing pro flying people said to people who hate flying. It is just silly.

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And while FF14 may not do everything perfectly (thats impossible) and there are changes the playerbase has been asking for, at least they TRY and listen. A key sign their playerbase LIKES the devs is that apparently they’ve thrown actual virtual birthdays for key devs.

The only celebration a WoW Dev would get is the equivalent of “the wicked witch is dead! Yay!” if one of a number of egotistical jerk devs were to QUIT the company for good.

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You mean like, maybe they could have paid for marketing research to find out what their playerbase would accept and be willing to pay for before investing many millions into an expansion they know is likely to fail? Like any responsible company would have done?


I understand you think it’s the same argument being made.

And that’s the stupid part.



We shouldn’t be relying on systems.


So they should get fury, only, and nothing else. Make a bad decision? Rage. Fix a bad decision? Rage. Only rage. That’s all they deserve. I can see why they wouldn’t like to talk to the community.

I do agree; it’s not an expansion feature. Something noteworthy, but it is insulting for it to be a key feature. I don’t appreciate that, but I do appreciate them working on it.


I also don’t think they should be chastised for not listening and communicating when they are actively doing those things. I will hold pitchfork and torch with you when they fail, I’m not interested in preemptively holding them to the fire in anticipation of them failing.

‘Well my dad works at Blizzard and he’ll ban you.’

Like I already told the other farm animals; the Covenant system is coming out on launch. We’ll find out then.

Played it more than you 50 > 35. :clown_face:

What exactly don’t you want to be balanced around it?

Mythic raids would be the only thing that were balanced around it. Do those concern you at all?

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The communication has all been one way. Whether that’s better than no communication or not could be debated. You could ask the shadow priests, but many of them have already unsubbed.

Do people not understand that stuff like this makes absolutely no sense?


Right I forgot, if it’s negative to you guys it’s different. But if it negatively affects our gameplay it doesn’t matter. Who cares about our opinions anyways because as others like to put it “We don’t even play the game”

You mean the same community that was upset that player choice did not matter, but when they found a way to make player choice matter it is the end of the world?

What we got now is fine, Blizzard is now saying they want to try it, and if it does not work. They got a backup plan, but the same community is telling them Bump that. I don’t want to try it. Do the backup NOW no need to try it. I don’t like it.

It also even makes them more jaded because now they are not going to accept it even more now that they know it could change because of a backup plan already being made. So they are going to be extra loud and throw a bigger fit because they don’t like the system.

It does just fine. You just don’t want to accept it.

Ouch, that hits home. Alt-tabbed in SW waiting for Ony timer.

Same way people keep insisting that meaningful means inconsequential.


Well, you don’t. Most of you even admit you don’t. You’re only here to try and cause up a bunch of drama and feel relevant until the patch actually drops and you go back to either doing nothing or farming last expansions content. It’s the same old song and dance every time with you guys.

But the reasoning your argument is dumb has nothing to do with positive or negative. It’s because pretending you CAN’T swap vs pretending you CAN are entirely different things - one results in you having access to other abilities, one doesn’t. See, we care about things that impact how we PLAY THE GAME - not just how things sound on the forums.