Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

My answer?

Make armory and achievements only can be seen by guild mates. That is it.

That would break some addons, and would slow down group making in pugs in the sense that you can’t tell what players have done.

This would give more power to guilds, and making guilds building a community, and sure there will be players still saying "Must have this to join this group, but until they get into the group and see the person not using said skill. Will they have to kick. It would slow down the group making, and force them to take extra steps in pugging to min/max slowing things down. And that alone will change the community.

Right, which is external and thus not controlled by Square - and is also not actually just for harassment. It’s an extremely useful tool for players.

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It’s pretty exhausting reading the same people who admittedly do not do relevant content, barely even do any up to date content, and who never did the content when the restrictive systems that allow the rest of us to understand that Covenants are going to be executed terribly try and decide what the game should be like for everyone… when they’re the first ones that are going to pack their bags and go back to farming old raids.

This has absolutely, 100% nothing to do with “RPG elements.” There is nothing less “RPG” about not restricting covenant abilities. You suggesting they should be locked is 100% your own admission that the lore and “RPG” behind the covenants is not interesting enough for you to keep with one.

This isn’t even a thing about being olptimal for everyone. Lots of people just want to play the other bloody abilities for fun.

You know the argument behind LFR, how it “justifies” creation of raids because it allows more people to see it? So would unlocking covenants, because it would allow players to see all of them. But that participation argument magically stops applying because “MUH RPG ELEMENTS” that nobody actually cares about.

Imagine if I went and started rallying to make it impossible for you guys to farm the old raids that I had completed when it was relevant because I didn’t think it was “MEANINGFUL” for you to be doing it.

It’s the same :clown_face: s saying the same things that have no impact on them at all because they are going to be the first ones out the door when they realize how restrictive the system is. If the game as is wasn’t enough to keep you interested, how is only being able to play some of it with proper abilities going to keep you? Spoiler alert: it isn’t. And that’s why you all post on alts - because you want to hide the fact that you KNOW you aren’t going to play just like you didn’t every other expansion. This is your end game.


Doesn’t matter what kind of fabrications you want to foist on us. Let’s see your level 60 classic toons. And their raid logs to show you aren’t full of it.

I’m mildly curious. Who reported my name inappropriate lol. :frowning: Who could possibly dislike the name DexterWorgen. I’m offended.

Ok you clearly don’t understand. Sorry for debating you.

Keep in mind Savage doesn’t have any trash, and is actually not that hard. Mythic isn’t hard either, but the logistics for getting 20 people to raid and raid well is a lot harder than Savage’s 6 players.

Also, I don’t think they have DBM there. So a lot of the mechanics relies on people tracking things.

Yeah that sounds pretty good, but there are still people who are going to want you to “Link covenant before joining” or some nonsense like that.

You can’t say ‘we don’t know’ in one breath and then immediately say ‘it will affect all the things.’

Just wait for it to come out.

Crap. That is one hundred percent crap. It was a gimmick in the Burning Crusade like its always been. It just made players entitled.

Fixed it for you

Do you know what else makes players entitled? Literally everything they’ve added to the game ever.

If it’s an rpg thing then you could easily refuse to change covenants for any reason.

No one can force you to change if you don’t want. So that isn’t the issue. The issue is those that don’t want others to change them


Yup, just make it so they can’t, and the way this community is. People with the covenant they did not want to join would join anyway, and it would slow things down so much that they are force to pick speed or quality with risk of not getting who they want.

It is such a simple change, but would push players to give more power to guilds again, and work on this problem where group finder is just too good of a system, that has replace the role of guilds.

I’m glad you agree.

sup with all the hyper casuals trying to dictate what happens in the game for the 20 minutes a week they play? why does any of this matter to you lmao

We’ve been over this. You wouldn’t know meaningful if it curled in your lap and died.


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Would you be happier if they made us all grey blobs that do 1 damage to each other and have 3 health then?

Because the way you’re responding leads me to believe you think players are entitled and shouldn’t get anything despite the players keeping the company afloat.

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We can say that about any systems. Just don’t do it. But what other players do also reflects my immersion. If guild mates switch out covenants on the fly for whatever content. That makes me feel like they are traitors or whatever. It just makes the system seem like a rep grind with powers nothing more.

So nah the game needs to limit us all.

I know there’s meaning as to why you post on a level 50 character instead of your main.


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