Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

They didn’t like that some people were using them to harass other players. They also don’t condone mods like Blizzard does, so mods in general aren’t allowed in the first place.

You also don’t get banned for having them unless you publicly talk about them and harass other players.

When 1.0 released and wasn’t received well, there was an in game event where the lead creator apologized to the playerbase and promised they would fix it - and they did. And they’ve pretty much kept that attitude.

Except it isn’t a core feature. It’s a gimmick. Some petty minimal thing that the entitled absolutely must have for the sole purpose of going from point A to B.

Those who think flying is a ‘feature’ are entitled.

but that is a problem with the community, and I don’t think game elements should be balance around how poorly we treat each other.

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Except they didn’t. Even if a handful of people kicked up a fuss, the majority didn’t. They still don’t. But when something like void stars?? whatever it was early on? the corruption that released that was unimaginably broken and Blizzard not only took forever to nerf it but didn’t nerf it enough - yeah.

Blizzard doesn’t listen to feedback nor do they test on their test servers. We know this.

That’s fine, but how do they fix the issue?

They dont like third party addons because it makes it unfair to Playstation players. Learn your history. That was the actual reasoning when the game was released.

FF14s “competitive” side of the game consist of raid tiers getting cleared on patch day because the game is designed to be almost a joke in terms of difficulty.


This is being willfully ignorant to the true reason behind picking the best options for what you want to do.

Do you want to clean your floor with a broom or with a vacuum? One option is clearly the worse as it is less efficient and requires more time. The other is efficient, does the job better, and saves time.

Chasing efficiency is not to be confused with “making things easier because bad lol”.


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Flying? Flying was never a core feature. Flight wasn’t even introduced until TBC and even then it was always something you unlocked at the end of your journey. It wasn’t until Cataclysm roughly a halfway point of the games life. That it was allowed to be everywhere. And that only lasted during Cataclysm, and MoP. 2 full expansions. That doesn’t make it a core feature at all.

Well, let’s see your evidence. Disregarding hype and wishful thinking on your part, as well as the idea that the game would be “improved” in some intangible “rpg-correct” way by changes that result in a massive loss of players.

OMG LOL. Flying is one of the qol changes that brought millions of players to the game. For a non-player like you to dismiss that as an irrelevancy is rich. You sound like you’re working from a script that somebody who never played the game wrote for you.


Very few if anyone clears on patch day. But even then, the game isn’t designed around raiding - it’s just not. There’s far more added to the game for more than just raiders.

Ultimate raids are unimaginably difficult though, they’re rare and even fewer than Mythic numbers even attempt them.

I was all for locking covenants until I thought about my role as DPS when it comes to doing content. If for some reason my choice of covenant/class is underpowered to the point where I’m not pulling my own weight in M+ or raids then I’m going to want to change to something that will allow me to. It’s not path of least resistance, it’s just wanting to be a better team member without having to do tedious work to rectify the problem. I’m all for sticking out a hard class/spec/covenant choice if the numbers are up there with the more desirable choices.


Flying was made a core feature in TBC and was in game for longer than it wasn’t by the time WoD came around.

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IIRC it was Infinite stars, Echoing Void, and Twilight devastation. They nerfed EV pretty well, but the changes they did to the others were mere slaps on the wrist.

Why is this still a thing when they’ve been remarkably receptive to feedback on the beta? Yeah, historically, they suck. They are very likely to continue sucking. We’re all on the same page here.

But Blizzard has been showing unprecedented levels of communication lately. Do they not get any credit for the things they’re doing now, or do they have to be constantly crucified for past mistakes?

I get not having faith, 100%! Corruption is an absolute clusterf- and they get no brownie points for that. But they have, recently, been trying.

I think you should learn yours. What I said was right, Not just addons but even if you call people out for playing badly. It is consider griefing. So before correcting someone, please get your facts right. The developers are very hardcore about being welcoming to all players even in pug settings.


You sure about that?


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And yet, here was have this


Stop commenting about things you know nothing about.


That is what civilization is all about, quality of life changes that result in a path of less resistance.

Do you insist on growing your own coffee because it’s harder to do that, and thus morally superior?


Because they haven’t, really. Shadow players are still upset that all they got was, “we understand that your spec sucks in 99% of content, but here’s a few band-aids that won’t do anything”. They’ve also said that they don’t plan to overhaul it until next expansion.

I’d like to give them credit, but from what I’ve seen nothing of their “improved communication” is particularly worth anything, and some of Shadowlands’s most advertised features (abilities coming back for example) are not only an insult - we shouldn’t thank them for giving us abilities that should never have been removed in the first place - they’re lifted right off a former employee’s master list they made before they got fired.

I don’t have any faith in Blizzard because even when things start to look like they’re improving, they fall into the same patterns shortly.

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Flight wasn’t a core feature until Cataclysm, You couldn’t fly everywhere until that point. Even further tot he point. Flying wasn’t even something you got early on. Ever, it was always designed for something you had to earn work toward. Usually after you done the basic part of the game. Flight prior to Cataclysm was just a “Borrowed power” You guys like to harp on about. It only stopped being that for exactly 2 expansion.