Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

Blizz is not going to have enough time to balance all the Torghast abilities! Nice try.


After those ‘more talented people’ robbed the Everquest house of everything not nailed down. Sure, so ‘talented’.

lol not at all.

LOL. phone typing for you? I was cross eyed trying to read that before edit.


Current devs have no respect for the legacy systems of WoW. Current talent tree with its flaws still works better than any of the rental talent trees these devs have proposed. Glyph system worked better than essences. Corruption? Worse than real tier set bonuses and fixed gem slots.

Everything this dev team touches turns out to be worse. Not surprised!

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Ion is the game director of World of Warcraft. If we can’t trust what he says, we can’t trust words at all when it comes to the game. If we can’t trust what Ion says, we certainly can’t trust what Preach says or anyone on this subreddit for this matter. We might as well give up talking altogether.

Something that Ion says is going to happen may not come to pass (by his own admission), but we should take him at his word that that is their design intent.

It should be a bannable offense to BS.

Anima is garrison resources bro. You’re probably thinking about Renown, which we earn and progress levels to unlock features for our Covenant including our soul-bind. This is not its own system, but the progression system of soul-binds + conduits.

Torghast is its own mini-game. A mini-game most of us won’t care about 1-2 months into the expansion. Imagine saying Pet Battles are “borrowed power systems”.

The three major systems in Shadowlands are Covenants, Soul-Binds + Conduits, and Legendaries, and that’s it. You choose your Covenant. Your progress your Soul-Bind tree by earning Renown and acquiring Conduits as loot drops, and you aquire Legendaries playing Torghast. That’s it. That’s simply it. I’m not sure how your mind can’t comprehend three systems existing at the same time.

I had started typing something else yesterday and even after clearing the text field it apparently still retained something.

Why do I keep seeing posts, over and over with the word “RIPCORD”?

Freaking lemmings. Get a buzzword, everyone make a post about it. Today’s secret word is “ripcord”… oooohhhh

I mean that is how hashtags generally function.


Renown is reputation 2.0.

Anima power is AP 3.0

Torghast has abilities that must be balanced and take precious dev time away from balancing specs and classes. Thanks for proving my point that a mini game like Torghast is sucking up a lot of time and resources.

And shadowlands has so many system that are caked onto together like a messy slop that it is going to be a disaster at launch.


That is the truth. :100:

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You’re wrong bro.

We’ve seen it in the beta. Anima is a currency you spend to upgrade structures in your garrison. This is literally in the beta. Go watch a streamer playing it.

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Original devs had no respect for the legacy systems then.

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I disagree and here is how I know this.

WoW expansions WoD and before that actually expanded the game with evergreen systems.

Current Diablo B team devs don’t expand the game and keep WoW in perpetual maintenance mode while nickel and diming the player experience with excessive throttling and time gating. Time gating to hide that they don’t know how to make engaging content for players anymore.

The fact that the MAW is going to be a ground and pound experience with not even the use of ground mounts speaks volumes!


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Adding ten more levels and a talent. That’s one ‘evergreen’ system.

Like the old WoW Team, so it’s agreed then.

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Adding levels meant you did become stronger. That is why BFA failed because it added levels and you became weaker due to several factors and the big one being scaling.

Scaling is anti MMORPG design that the current diablo B team supports which the original devs did not support.

Now, the old WoW team actually added new abilities and talents with new expansions.

Try again NPC!

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


No, definitely not surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised. Not after the current Dream Team began their tenure by trying to nuke flying out of the game and telling me I really didn’t enjoy reforging my gear to reduce suboptimal stats.


What? BFA failed because it made leveling easier? That’s a first.

I don’t know what games you play, but I’m pretty sure they’re not MMORPG’s.

They were so good with talents they had to create a whole new system for them. They were so good with abilities that almost every class was homogenous.

Alex Jones, everyone. Protecting the WoW community from engendered fish and aquatic reptilians.

BFA failed because at level cap you gained nothing! And scaling made it worse!

The good MMORPGs don’t utilize scaling. GW2 is not a MMORPG but a MMO! Learn the difference.

Talent systems 1.0 and 2.0 were very good compared to failed talent systems that the current diablo B devs come up with.

WoW needs to return to its MMORPG roots and ditch the rental system bloat that systmlands will be plagued with.

:thinking: :100:

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Should someone tell him that this entire game scales now and will scale even worse in SL?

Yes in shadowlands they are making universal scaling worse. Good post.

And they are now trying to sell the MAW as a walking experience now and ground mount usage as something you want to earn and achieve later in the shadowlands expansion.

The MAW is a perfect example of this flawed designed paradigm that is slogging down the WoW experience, because of this dev team.

That is the pinnacle of design from the diablo B team devs after years and years of their war against flight. Take away basic, core functions (eg ground mount usage), and then repackage it as something new. Create a “problem” that never existed and then offer a “solution” to the “problem” they created to make it seem like they are doing work.

The passion for WoW is not there with the exception of the art team. The art team are the true rock stars of WoW and have been carrying the failed diablo B team devs for a while now. But at this point I am just stating the obvious truth that most aware players have already known with their minds or feel within their hearts.

:thinking: :100: