Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

counter point would be leaving if they do pull the rip cord…

uh oh, now no matter what they will be losing a fair chunk of their playerbase. I’m assuming there is atleast 40% backing both sides.

don’t most of you not play already?

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I’ll still play because I’m a crippled addict



That is a baseless assumption, there is no evidence supporting that we don’t play the game. We might not play the same way, but we play.

I guess you probably think all poor people are lazy drunks too huh?

You and me both brother.


I thought you literally said earlier that you were only subbed for the forums?

were you lying then?

my girlfriend is a social worker and works with the homeless. so no, I don’t think that about poor people.

Oh jeebus back to that again? Yes. Currently only subbed for the forums because I do not like 8.3. Have you never unsubbed in the past 15 years?

…you brought up losing a chunk of the playerbase, and I was replying to that asking whether or not you were currently playing anyway.

hard to lose someone that’s already not playing.

I’m paying am I not? And what do you mean that is a small brain way of thinking. I have been playing sense Vanilla. You could lose someone that is a return costumer… man I’d love to know how you think business’s work.

Like seriously, do you think the moment someone leaves your store they are no longer a customer?

I think you’re drastically overthinking what I said

Probably. If it was a joke I apologize… I often miss that and there was this worgen earlier trolling me with that same statement earlier. So frustration has settled in.

OP is just a troll, its safe to ignore them.

Pulling the ripcord doesn’t prevent people from sticking with the covenants they like.


but it removes an aspect of the covenants we do like. Also that statement was more on the lines of thinking of balancing things out. If one side throws a tissy and says i will leave if I don’t get what I want, then the other has to do the same in order to restore the balance. This way Blizzard just does what they want free of financial reasoning.

Having a penalty if you want to go back to a Covenant isn’t an aspect of the Covenant. It’s just like the cost to change your Azerite traits, it’s a punishment for experimenting. They just dressed it up as an “RPG element” and some people are acting like it’s something brand new.

It’s going to happen eventually, you know it, I know it. Just do it before release, seriously.


Same concepts applied differently to different things often make a new thing.

Take potatoes for example. Cut them up thick and cook them, you get jojo’s. make them a little smaller and you get fries, make them even smaller you get chips. All the same thing done slightly differently and has a completely different flavor.

Covenants are like this, because they are attached to a society of people it provides a feeling of gaining something special from that group of people adding to the roleplay of it. Versus just cool this item gives me something.

So, uh, role play that you’re a part of something special. You shouldn’t need the game to hold your hand for you.


The land of make believe doesn’t make something actually real. The ability to change it ruins that. It destroys the immersion of it all and further it cheapens the power of the covenant you have chosen. It cheapens the entire experience.

Then why are you even playing this game at all?

How so? You can always role play that you can’t change it.

And it’s not like the currently designed system doesn’t stop you from changing things anyway.

That’s just a cheap cop out answer from someone who wants to control how other people play the game.