Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

Why not? You get the versatility of swapping, I get extra power with less flexibility. Seems like win/win to me.

We can. Just let us swap the abilities and soulbinds, but make it so if you swap for player power, you lose out on the cosmetics and/or story quests.

I think my compromise is more fair. We both get what we want there.

so then you concede that locked covenants has nothing to do with the RP elements and everything to do with the numbers?

It has to do with feeling unique as a character. I want to go into battle as a different creature from that of even the same class and spec as I am.

? How does that equate, Power can be and often is a very fun part of the story you are playing. Who wants to play as the weenie farmer that has zero abilities? What type of fantasy is that.

I must have missed when you said that.

I like the system as it is.
You want everything beyond fluff to be swappable.

Your compromise is basically what I wrote above. Everything but fluff is swappable. Not really a compromise.
My compromise allows you to swap but awards power for those who don’t want to swap.

Seems pretty win/win to me.

But but, then I will feel like I have to stick to it for the power. That’s punishing me.

We live in a world where not getting a reward, is a punishment.


Balanced does not mean they operate the same. You can have an AoE ability, an ST ability, a Utility, and/or a CD ability. All of which can be different, but have varying strengths in all situations.

That’s fine, but don’t expect the devs to bend before there’s a problem. There will always be a FotM and cookie cutter options for all specs, however, like most expansions, those won’t matter unless you’re pushing ‘cutting-edge’ content.

So those people that care or that push shouldn’t have their say about this because “they can’t balance the game”? Why are they even doing it then if it only matters for a small amount of people? Oh yea because balance affect everyone in their daily play. If warlocks do 2x the amount of damage than other class, you’d get pretty upset about it even if you don’t push cutting edge content.

So it only matters basicly for some people depending of how high they care about the balance. for some 5% is small, some it’s 10, some it’s 50
 Everyone care.

So it’s not because people will find out what works most often that they shouldn’t balance.

They already don’t manage to do this with classes, they won’t manage with covenants. There’s a reason why the same classes just are always taken over others. Because while some classes have some different tools, some just shine always better. Multiplying that problem with the amount of covenant is folly.

While the concept could work, covenants are not worth that much hassle. They need to prune the concept and focus on classes.

Covenants are gonna be a problem.

No matter how much people try to pretend it’s not going to be.

This isn’t a meaningful choice, is just a lazy attempt to make it seem like blizzard is trying to give players choices.

Probably gonna turn out just as bad, if not worse than azerite was, and then what? Blizzard doesn’t make sweeping changes in hot-fix format anymore, they take forever to address systems problems, and even when they do, it doesn’t seem to always work out well. Just look at the entirety of the azerite system


Probably because of people like Ralph who constantly attack others for daring to look at the meta while they try to improve themselves.

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I’m choosing what I want.

I hardly ever dungeon, do casual PvP, spend most of my time with my guild, and haven’t attempted a Mythic dungeon since Legion.

I have so much fun in this game :heart:

I don’t understand why there is so much toxicity being spewed about whether or not you agree with the “ripcord”. Just pick what you want. You pay for this game. Life is too short :metal:t2:

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This threads gone on a long time now. I only skimmed a bit of it, enough to know that I probably don’t know what I’m talking about but that’s never stopped me before.

I started playing in 2011, my 1st mmo so I was clueless. I did learn that if I wanted to stay alive I had to not only fix my gear but replace it with better.

That’s borrowed power.

I also noticed that there were a lot of time sinks in this game BUT I didn’t notice that for a long time because this game is so heavily layered and it’s beautiful and you can get lost in it.
So I think I started avoiding the “bring me 20 bear butts hero” about 6 months in.

All these types of games have this stuff, borrowed power, time sinks, etc

All the stuff we complain about.

I haven’t been on the alpha nor the beta. No one in their right mind would want me to do either of those, either. It’d just be torture for everyone involved so I can’t speak to SLs with any certainty, confidence or direct knowledge except in this one area.

SLs will have time sinks. SLs will have borrowed power. SLs story will be a continuation of BfA, so on.

That’s all I know. I’m willing to give it a try. If I find it’s not for me, I’ll have to think about why that is.

Is it because I’ve played so long I’m jaded, expecting too much?
Have I lost that sense of immersion I had when I was new? If so, who’s fault is that? Anyones?

Or does the game just suck now? Did I outgrow it?

I won’t know til I find out and neither will many of you. Possibly all of you.

All we do know is that we can only do our best and hope it works out because most, if not all of us love this game and, I’m assuming here, we all want it to continue.

I’ll stop now because I probably just repeated the obvious. Covenants, conduits, run through this maze, that maze, etc
 sometimes I feel like a lab rat whose grown tired of the cheese treat.

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I know what I want. I want my roleplay, cosmetic and aesthetic choices to not be bound to gameplay and power.

The entire premise of your thread is faulty because it operates on the ridiculous assumption that just because you don’t know what you want, no one else does either.


Another thread to save for when this goes live, the crying starts, and I get to point out all the people whining about the meta now are playing the meta in Shadowlands like the good little hypocrites that they are.


Go for it, but it’s possible what people play is meta simply because they like the looks of it. People be edgy. A lot of people will like Maldraxxis, and Venthyr simply because of that. If those end up being meta, pointing out they are playing the meta would be silly. Now if they was playing nightfae or something
we could talk.

can we laugh at this for a second

Ralph is somethin else


I’ll be back on wow when they open them up. Will be spending my entertainment money elsewhere until then
