Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

found a wowhead page with a bunch of abilities listed as well

we’ve just seen restrictions like this at the start of the last 3 expansions and they always get changed for the better. it’s such a silly step to have to make again and again and again.

the people that are arguing so adamantly for these restrictions are the same ones that stop playing current content and either quit or go back to farming old raids after a few weeks leaving the rest of us trying to do current content having a worse time. it doesn’t matter to them if it isn’t good because the content they want to do is unaffected by these restrictions, as is their ability to do those things.

OP will be the 1st person complaining on the forums when SL goes live because he was declined form group content because of his “choice”. All the anti-ripcord posters will.

That’ll be a feat, seeing as I haven’t pugged anything serious since Legion.

totally agreed with up to the point you insulted them/us

so scary, just another thing to be denied for. I don’t care. I took my profile off of the raider io thing as well because I felt it was invasive. Still mad that I had to sign up to that stupid site to get it removed. anyways yes. I won’t get denied anymore then I already have been… Only non min/max pushers take me.

If you think doing heroic raiding and keys sub 20+ is serious idk what to tell you.

Sometimes gameplay needs to be a higher priority than RP. This is one of those cases.

that’s not an insult. i’m saying that for the people whose primary content is doing things like old raids, wqs, etc, covenant restrictions will not hinder your ability to do those things.

i am not saying anything about your personal ability to play the game

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No because Blizzard came out and said they got a backup plan. Even if it turns out not to be so bad, they will not change these people mind, because they want it how they want it no matter what.

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Never said it was. I do all that only with guild and friends. I don’t use the LFG tool for much beyond elite WQs and maybe a M0.

I just don’t agree. Not everything needs to be designed with min/maxing in mind.

them saying they have a backup plan came after all of the negative feedback. that comment doesn’t change anything other than our hashtag being a thing

the backup plan comment didnt start the feedback, it was the result of it.

ok then /hugs

gameplay does not = min/maxing.

people don’t just want to be able to swap covenant abilities to min max. they want to do it because it is funner.

I agree. But gameplay does need to be designed that way. Good gameplay is why WoW is so popular, we can’t make sacrifices for it again like we did in BFA.

Trying to reduce the mentality of everything has to be about what is the most efficient is also part of improving gameplay. Granted I don’t think this will really do that, when ever the player has control they will always almost like a robot go for what ever the hive mind says is the best. Honestly feel like your covenant should of been automatically selected based on your class and locked everyone to it.

More choice, is often bad.

Its hard to tell with these new systems whether bliz are just trying to keep things fresh or try to improve played time metrics or w/e they use now… probably a bit of both

So why can’t we have a system in place that benefits those who want to stay loyal to one covenant?

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you can, but benefit doesn’t have to = imbalanced player power advantages in x content while being a massive disadvantage in y content

so the benefits have to be boring.