Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

yep, and then the “victory” goalposts from these alt character forum dwellers will be moved from “HAHA UR NEVER GONNA GET UNLOCKED COVENANTS” to “HAHA WE MADE U WAIT FOR UNLOCKED COVENANTS” as they log in and farm content from 3 expansions ago and none of it matters to them anyway

It’s not really min-maxer vs casual, it’s Action-Game vs RPG. The weird thing is that instead of looking at Covenants as a thing to optimize, to reward them for spending the time to build up a roster of characters, the “min-maxers” of modern WoW are lazy and want the game to turn into Overwatch. It’s weird.

I guess the logic is that people who would rather have more RPG elements even if it might result in an uneven meta are “casual” because they care more about a rich flavorful game than pushing content as hard as possible. Meanwhile, the action-gamers want to eliminate game mechanics are pushing that way because they want to create a “skill-based” raiding experience which is just kind of nonsense, WoW has never designed its raid content around the top players, there’s almost no ilvl -capped encounters in the game - not saying the content is easy but the idea that this game isn’t intended to be primarily an RPG is complete and utter nonsense.

Asmongold said it best - people want to raid to get phat loot and donk on kids. And any game with that kind of system at its core isn’t a game that should be designed as an action game - it is an RPG.

God you’re such a victim. I just want to play a fun RPG, I don’t REALLY care what you’re doing. Y’know, WoW is an MMORPG, it’s weird you’re getting upset that it isn’t designed as an action game.

Not true, I feel it’s honestly a pretty even match. No side I feel has less then 40% of the base backing it. There may be a majority but honestly at this point, I’m not sure which side it is.

Why do you people always insist that it’s a thing coming from spite or malice. When the only clear evidence of any side doing such thing comes from your side of the argument?


tbh i dont trust polls of anykind most of the time their wrong

Go on the Beta and stand in the place where you choose a covenant. Look at /say and that will tell you what the majority is.

People are going to do what they are going to do. Even if abilities were freely swappable I’m sure something else would be a major problem.

Competitive people often do that.

Beta tbh is biased, The only people that get in this early are mostly those in the camp which follows your line of thinking. Not a real good indicator on public opinion until there is more random invites tossed in.

It is a good indicator on what the mythic+ and high end raiders, or streamers think though.

It’s stupid. It’s childish and stupid.

My younger brother competes in body-building nationally and has competed in international events. Steroids are part of the “meta-game” for body-building at the high-end. It’s a fact of life. It’s crappy but nobody really whines about it too much. That’s a big part of the competition. It’s not an even-level competition. Some bodies react better to steroids, some competitors can afford better more expensive regimens, etc.

Like, let’s be real here, a lot of these people talking about the impact on “the race” aren’t actually competitors, they’re pretend competitors. They tell themselves that “they could do it in they really cared”. But they have a bad mentality. The true spirit of competition is giving it your all no matter the circumstance.

Nothing about Covenants is new. Covenants are just another layer to the class/spec meta-game at the high end. At the high-end, you’re expected to reroll FOTM to compete, that’s the game. The game isn’t just playing, it’s maintaining stables of characters, its grinding, it’s having the skill-set to swap in characters and class stack encounters.

For everybody but those top players, it’s really not a big deal. People just had dumb mindsets about it. It’s really problematic because Greg Street era BS like “bring the player not the class” infected people’s minds, they literally think that their class should always be meta for all forms of content. Rogues and Mages have been pampered and have in fact gotten away with this stupid mindset, but most other classes have learned to accept the actual facts of life - sometimes your class, spec, whatever, it’s not the best and you can either suck it up or reroll.

Bit on a long-winded rant, but like, jeez, the mentality of these people is so bad. The entitlement is so over-the-top. And they’re only going more insane because no one has ever told them no before and Ion is telling them no.

So the people who play the game the most, and who know the game the most are invited to test the systems, but they are not a good indicator for what the systems should be? Ok

No, that doens’t mean they play the game the most. And honestly if Blizzard ignores everyone elses opinions we may as well just leave. Have fun funding your content then.


Consumers are almost never useful for design feedback. Consumers are mostly dumb. They’re good for gauging the temperature as long as they’re representative of the average population. The people on the beta are perhaps representative of the people who will push content, and they’ll be useful for feedback on tuning content, but design feedback? Nah. Preach likes WoD and seems to dislike Legion, he isn’t in touch with what the fans like.

And I would be willing to accept that, but what happens after I think “extra hard” and then they change the very feature that I made my choice on?

You speak as if the Covenants will be a static thing. They won’t be, and that’s straight from the Devs. So even if I was fine looking like garbage for 2yrs so I can enjoy the game-play (a horrible choice to ask someone to make in an MMORPG) - they will just move things around and cause a state of dissatisfaction anyway.

Separate the cosmetic from the game-play. They did this with glyphs, and they should do this with Covenants.

My guess as to what will happen, is they will treat the covenant systems a bit like Pathfinder, a little later in the expansion. Once you’ve fully experienced each one, you’re able to have everything unlocked.

In the beginning though, I think they actually want to keep the RP part of the game sound. Which I do like.

I don’t care if it is “perfectly” balanced, but I would like to feel like each covenant per character feels fun and rewarding.

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So you have to do a quest line once every…how often does this game actually get patched? It won’t be that bad. Maybe, maybe at first it could be rocky. But if you was smart you would let the dust settle before jumping on the Flavor of the month bandwagon.

Honestly a pathfinder system would be fine.

I wouldn’t use me as an example. I only decided to be a jerk on the forums two days ago when i realized most of the pro locking people just want it because blizzard removed their titanforging.

Ask someone who joined the game recently what a glyph is. Nobody will know because nobody has a reason to care.

Imagine trying to sell an expansion where there are no core features that matter. Oh wait, I don’t have to imagine, that was WoD.

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Nobody liked Legion until the end when they fixed AP and legendaries. You clearly arent in touch with what fans like either.

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Basically this.


If they cant handle not being optimal at everything they shouldnt be playing an mmorpg, go play overwatch.