Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

Sounds a bit defeatist to me. Game will never go anywhere if it’s always just a matter of Why bother trying it’ll never work.

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I made a point, but he ran away.

I can sponsor the food to feed my dogs to see which one finishes first, but that doesn’t mean its competitive.

But its good to know that you’re so devoid of a point you’re literally using the definition as a defense.

Now run along and block me like the other two, and go back to building your huts made of wood, brick, and steel.

You’ll have to take that up with Blizzard, they’re the ones who keep giving up on balancing things. For example, I’m pretty sure it’s been over a year since the last time they tried balancing any Azerite traits.

last year they been knee deep into shadowlands. But I agree, it would be nice if they kept one of these systems once in awhile and just worked on trying to perfect it.

Meh, not only is it bad design its a ton of wasted potential. They should allow you to change (we know it wont be balanced). I would like to see it opened up to where you can change it at any time, but you have to do all four covenants. Instead, you will get to see 25% of the new content on any one toon.

False, you can change your covenants via what seems to be a quest line. You are not fully locked behind your choice forever. Why do people think this?

That has more to do with a philosophical decision in regards to balancing. They just don’t like to do balance changes after a couple weeks into a patch. Why, idk, but it’s a choice, not an inability to do so.

Thinking is hard, bruh.

Hi class halls.


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Your favorite hobby, or…?

competitive eating is a thing, a bit disturbing but non the less a thing. I enjoy watching it sometimes. This one time I seen people have to compete eating a 10 foot roll of sushi, every 2 foot had a half foot section of pure wasabi. That was fun.

Allow us to enjoy excelling at every aspect of the classes and specs we so love.



I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, but the running argument between three people that might or might not be sharing the same wavelengths are trying to argue that E-Sports are competitive because Blizzard funds, sponsors, and endorses their own side-shows in their own circus known as Blizzcon.

Well. Yeah, anything is competitive if people are competing. Doesn’t even really need to have a reward involved but one being there regardless of where it’s coming from definently does give it a bit more credibility.

Yeah, if you want to grind your way back up if you ever want to go back, that sounds super fun!

The solution to that, is to think extra hard on your choice and only change if you really need or want to. If it’s not worth the grind, then the change wasn’t really all that important to you.

And if that involves you swapping, great!

I’ll be RPing my booty off sticking to my first choice.



My solution is to punish people for their choices in game until they are on the forums crying about it as much as they cry about raider io.