Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

Devs are going to do this regardless of how players feel. They will come up with some sort of a halfway bandaid fix mid-expansion, that will create as many problems as it solves.

Next expansion: perma-death.

You know that says something when they throw some red flags…I mean blizzard could darn near take a dump on there driveway and them 2 would justify it



Well I do know I dont want BFA 2.0.
So if its anything remotely similar, rip that cord out by the roots, baby . :+1:


Another example of you shuffling your goalposts all over the place so you can ignore any evidence that tears apart your silly little “hurrr wow am not competitive” nonsense you’ve been spewing.

Nope. Not lying.

What if the paint is outside? The weather adds a lot of variables. Thus, according to your own definition, that makes watching paint dry a competitive sport.

But I’m done responding to you. It’s become abundantly clear that you’re just stirring the pot at this point.

Oh, hey, on a completely unrelated note, you can now ignore people forever.

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Feature wise, I actually liked BFA a bit. I hated the content though, all the dungeons and raids felt a bit too much on the gimmick side for me. I just didn’t enjoy myself doing them. So Features in BFA until corruptions was pretty solid, but the content sucked rotten eggs.

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Somehow its shuffling the goal posts by referring to the same thing over and over again.

You know you’ve won an argument when you have to block the other person. Try again next time buddy.

My understanding was that all factions were in danger and had a common enemy. In that case, equipping us heroes with anything we needed to overthrow the common enemy would make sense.

Kind of how if earth was being attacked by some aliens and a demi-superman came to help humanity - it would make sense for all countries to give that hero whatever they needed to kill the bad guys that threaten our overall existence.


Azerite traits are astonishingly unbalanced, to the point where the final tier, they just said “screw it” and gave everybody some of their best traits.

There are seriously traits that increase your DPS by double digits. As in you use these traits and your DPS goes up by less than 100.

Im sorry…that sound was me trying not to puke in my mouth :face_vomiting: :rofl:
As far as the story and questing goes, it was pretty fun.
System wise…well voicing my real opinion would get me a 60 day ban again, lol
Dungeons, other than the manor, were horrible.
I LOVED legion dungeon running. I ran them all day, every day for half the expansion after I started playing.
I love running dungeons all the way thru the game, minus a couple here and there, but BFA…ugh.
corruption was just one more thing to hate.

I think Im just avoiding group content entirely in SLs except where bliz will no doubt force me to to get recipes or mats to do whatever.
so sick of their dungeon designs lately and player behavior.

Yes, but I found them fun. Idk, I really like the random nature of things more. The more procs the better really. But that is just the ARPG fan in me speaking.

No…I do that when I finally have to admit that Im arguing with someone with no real point to make but who just likes to see what they type up on the screen, lol.
My time is more valuable…maybe he felt the same way.

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It’d be nice if some of the procs did anything. Some of them just appear on your buff bar but have no discernible impact on how you play.

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I personally refuse to ignore people… If I block someone I am willing to bet it’d just make me look at their post more. Curiosity murders me if something is hidden… I just have to look and see what it is.

Yeah, I wish there was better procs, but I really liked the premise of the system. They just failed in making it work better.

Ill look at someone on my ignore list on another thread or topic, but its just to see if theyre going to be rational there and its safe to respond.
Nearly all the time I do block someone its on the troll topics.
I cant stand wasting my time with someone who has no valid point to make but just wants to argue it anyway. Not worth wasting my day with. But they pretty much always want to waste theirs.

You’re trying to argue that officially sponsored events that were established as a competition arent competitive simply because of your opinion, when its defined in the dictionary as such



Which is why some of us are so concerned about Covenants. This is the same Blizzard that screwed around with balancing stuff in BfA. There’s no indication so far that they’ve truly learned their lesson.

concern is one thing, it’s another to tell them to just not try and go straight for their “Last resort” move.

The “last resort” option is because we know Blizzard. We’ve seen them in action for the last 15 years. They will have to be more on the ball with Covenants than they’ve ever been with anything before.

They should have mei from overwatch played in a loop at their headquarters I HOPE YOU LEARNED YOU’RE LESSON