Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

I picked a Warlock at the start before I could even play the game, I have not yet picked a covenant yet maneuvered around the game for 120 levels. This is an absolutely awful argument.

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Right, which is why I don’t even suggest that it should happen in WoW. It’s just class choice and covenant choice aren’t the same.

I play both, but right now there’s no real content in XIV that I want to do. Maxed crafters, classes, and done the content outside of the final Savage fight.

You missed a few.

I don’t want the game to be balance around it.

I also don’t want to switch, and if the game allows me to do it. I’m going to do it. A game is design to play in a certain way Im going to. Even if I don’t like it. I’m not going to make myself weaker when I got a option to be stronger.

last but not least, it breaks my immersion when everyone else switches out and makes the system just factions with rep. No big deal, so even if i picked to limit myself. What other people do reflects on the state of the game and what is allowed.

That is all the reasons I need.

More like a bunch of NASA scientists starving to death because picking a place to eat was debilitatingly too hard for them.

Then we have all these cutting-edge players, who are so good at the game they need Blizzard to make it easier before its release, running around pretending they know what the word meaningful is.

In what way does not tying covenant choice to the individual power gain make the game easier?

This is the weakest argument. Of course a Warrior can’t us Priest spells. However, a Warrior can be any covenant and use any of the 8 covenant abilities. You are comparing apples to oranges. A better analogy would be if you chose a Prot Warrior right when you hit max level, then couldn’t change to a Fury Warrior until you did some annoying, time gated grind. Or your talents are permanently locked in place once you hit max level.


The bold is another thing you just type out that makes no sense.

You are trying to dictate what the meaning is supposed to mean to everyone and throwing a forum tantrum about us not thinking it’s the same.


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That is the very same thing you are saying. Why don’t we get to pick spells from other classes? Because you picked warlock? Well you could always pretend to be a warlock and not pick shadow word pain, even though it would help your dps.

The game has set rules you follow, pretending to not follow the rules is not the same.

No, they’re not, but I asked so we could discuss the differences. I quoted:

Which is any ability. Not Covenant, not class, no ability should be locked. I’d like to clarify that before we move on.

You’re not the person I quoted, so we can carry on! What makes Covenant and Class abilities different? Is it because you don’t pick the Covenants until late in the game? Is it because Covenants won’t stick around?

It’s not “abilities exist”, because that doesn’t apply to class abilities.

Basically, we choose the class we enjoy - and the covenant choice should be cosmetic, but as it is now has direct consequences in terms of power. That’s why it’s different.

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You are making my point for me. You just don’t agree with me. What is stopping a warrior from learning spells? The game systems are.

It is only weak because it counters the point pretty well about game design and why pretending is not good enough.

Every ability would be at your disposal. There’s a week’s time limit on Raids, not unthinkable that, instead of using the ability you have to its fullest, you merely swap in out for the best AoE choice. Then for the next boss, maybe the best ST choice.

Using one ability effectively in all scenarios takes more skill than choosing the right ability for every scenario.

First of all, covenants are not in the game yet. There is no set rules with them yet. That is the entire point of the feedback. There were set rules when they originally decided Azerite was going to be a permanent choice per piece of armor. Guess what happened?


Legendaries had set rules when they were locked behind pure RNG and had a 4 legendary cap on BLP. Guess what happened? OMG IT WAS CHANGED.

The list goes on and on and on of these restrictive, un-fun systems that people knew were going to get changed once the feedback poured in. This is no different. We got conduits fixed, this will be next.

Second, when you make your character before you even log in to the game you are signing up KNOWING that is your character. It is not something that’s sprung on you as a temporary borrowed power system being shoved down your throat under the guise of “meaningful choice.” I don’t need to pretend to be a Warlock because I have selected and played as a Warlock.

These mental gymnastics are so corny; almost as corny as you upvoting your own threads with all 15 of your alts and then saying iT wAs mY HusBaNd

Anyway, the 4 of you can keep talking yourselves into believing these Covenant systems are a good idea and that they’ll never be changed. You don’t matter.

I’m going back to Beta (all that darn min/maxing I do got me in the CE wave of invites the other week) where I’m going to incessantly provide feedback exposing why this system is bad and that it should be changed sooner rather than later; but it will be changed.


It already is being balanced around Covenants, so shooting yourself in the foot.

So you’ll be enjoying having to do a weekly grind to switch for your raid or M+ team and another grind to swap back to your desired RP choice?

Really? So a Priest going from Holy to Shadow at the press of a button is okay? But swapping Covenants is the straw, huh?

Neither system removes any of those things, in case that wasn’t clear.
One just makes it a chore.


Why can’t you pick the Covenant you enjoy?

So does your class choice, which is not freely swappable, or really swappable at all.

This does, though, seem like a good reason for why they should be a choice you can change. Which you can. Why should it be something you can drop a tome on-- or talk to an NPC, or whatever, instead of say a questline?

Except people are just going to take the overall strongest one - especially since for some classes, there’s not really many other good choices.

The points you make is a community problem not a system problem. The community is trying to punish me for a choice I made even though it can’t be understanding that we all have to make choices base off the system.

Reason I hope this outcry will get group finder nerfed.

Like I said, this is one of the weakest arguments I’ve seen.

No, it’s weak because your analogy doesn’t make any sense. And just hiding behind “well the game systems say so” is pathetic. The game systems are known to be trash at times, which is why we are here to try to change the bad ones.

Because they’re tying power to it. I don’t care myself so I will (if I even buy the game), but plenty of players have to make that hard choice.

Not really, Blizzard is trying to make all classes/specs competitive so that’s different than the abilities themselves which some have problems from their very design.

I’d rather they just not tie covenants to power at all and make it a purely cosmetic thing.

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Why stop at covenants? Lets do the same with talents.