Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

What? They’ve certainly had dialogues with the players. The Preach/Ion discussion was a dialogue. They reacted to the Torghast outcry. They are or did fix how Conduit replacements were going to work. They might not be talking to you or me, but it’s most definitely not one-way.

I have no problem with a bit of homogenization :slight_smile: Every spec should have an interrupt :man_shrugging:

Meaning is entirely subjective. For instance, when you read any changes to the game your first thought to their meaning is “HOW CAN I TROLL PEOPLE ON THE FORUMS BEFORE THE EXPANSION DROPS AND NOBODY READS MY POSTS AGAIN”

When I read changes to the game, I think “how will this impact my gameplay”

Huge difference between us.

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We want player choice to matter. Just for cosmetics and story.

We don’t want player choice to matter when it gives one character a massive advantage over the other of the same class just because they get a different combat button which makes them X times better in either PVP/Raiding/M+ or all 3 because your covenant ability is trash.

So Player Choice for Cosmetics: Yes
Player Choice for Story divergence: Yes
Player Choice that locks you into an ability which you cant freely swap: NO!


If you do literally anything in game you play the game

Oh I get it, you are one of those people.

One of those… If you play differently, or think differently you must be a troll people.

It’s clear now, thank you.

Absolutely. And right now, we’re seeing what this “ANTI HOMOGENIZATION MU HRPG ELEMENTS” nonsense is doing to AoE for classes - some classes are arbitrarily allowed to just do more damage to more targets and others are being capped for seemingly no rhyme or reason and it’s resulting in massive imbalances for dungeons.

HOW FUN FOR EVERYONE that plays an unholy DK and hardly anyone else lmao kek rpg

Do you feel the same way about class choice? Why aren’t you complaining about not being able to freely change classes?

Nothing is ever balanced anyways so what is new? Lol.

You keep pretending that people asked for this. They did not ask for more restrictions on their gameplay. They wanted to be able to change specs and do different content more easily, and instead we’re getting less.

People do not want the game to have punishments for making the wrong choices early in the expansion. Punishment for irrevocable mistakes will be bad for the game. It’s a reason why so many people left games like that and came to play games like wow that didn’t have annoying features you want.

It’s more like ‘What the biggest number I can fondle.’ because that’s the lynchpin of the whole barnyard’s argument.

That is such a jaded way to look at things. That ignores the fact that this is a game, and the game limiting you is not the same as you limiting yourself. That is such a basic thing. We still play this game to get stronger in what content we enjoy. We still play with the rules of the game, and that set rules can add or take away enjoyment base off what it is sure, but to say pretend like the game limits you? Making it like it is a self control problem. Let me get my way while you can have yours if you pretend. Get real here.

So far I’m just seeing the argument against opening up swapping is “If you can swap, then I’ll be forced to swap” and that seems… absurd.

I’m open to any further explanation as to how this will actually hurt people who don’t want to swap?
So far it seems like you’d just be shooting yourselves in the foot with the more difficulty swap system planned. If you need to swap for content it will be harder to swap back when you are just RP’ing or playing casually and so on.
Long term, it sounds like this will just hurt everyone.


I actually kind of do. I strongly prefer XIV’s system to this one.

You already got told why, you just don’t want to accept the answer. That is on you.

YES. WE DO. And when there are arbitrary limitations restricting your ability to do that, it becomes less enjoyable and that is what most of our beef is with covenants

then we got all these clowns running around screaming about their RPG elements or MEANINGFUL CHOICES HUAHUA when they hardly do anything that requires meaningful choices to begin with, and the RPG elements they say they want don’t restrict them because they don’t do anything additional to be restricted in anyway

It’s like someone who only is ever going to pet battle deciding they want to demand raiding be changed even though they have no intention of doing the content anyway.

Bunch of McDonalds employees phoning in to NASA telling them how they should run their next launch


Again that is with the GAME set rules. Are you upset that you don’t get priest spells? Why not? What makes you a caster not able to learn some shadow spells. You are a warlock right?

Because the game SET the rules you can’t. That is enjoyable for me that I can’t pull spells from other classes.

So far the only responses boiled down to “because!” unless I missed one.

I appreciate the honesty! Unfortunately, this isn’t FFXIV and shouldn’t be designed the same.

Out of curiosity with minimal snark intended, why play WoW and not FFXIV when you prefer their system(s?)?

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That’s entirely different from tying a cosmetic, core feature of an expansion to power.

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