Ignore feature?

Old forums had an ignore feature… evidently these new ones don’t. Or do they? Anyone?


they do.

when you see a post you dont like, you can go ahead and ignore it. dont reply to it, and if its a thread, go browse a different thread.


You mean i can get under ppl’s skin without being censored :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

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I agree with this statement

You can hit the little bell icon on the bottom right, where the timeline bar is located. There you can hit “mute”.


I am wondering the same thing. I am seeing names I had blissfully removed from ever having to see.


Not exactly what I meant. Formerly you could ignore a specific player’s posts – and, all of them. Doesn’t seem to be available here.

I get that you were being snarky, I wasn’t.


You will probably have to flag it, but i dont see a way to ignore at this point

Thank you :grinning:

There was a feature that completely ignored a poster, and everything they would post in the future. While your suggestion is snarky, it isn’t what the OP is looking for.


Thanks. Have a like for that!

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I believe this is what you’re looking for. You’ll need to try it, as I don’t put anyone on ignore.


I haven’t tried it yet so someone check it and reply back so the people that need to see it, can.

In your account notification settings there is a “mute” box. I’m not sure if it only hides notifications from a specific player, or if it is a true “ignore”.

Of course! Also, it looks like the icon changes from an eye, a paw, a bell, and another eye with a slash through it. lol

My first like on the forums! I shall cherish it!


This man is quick! He beat me to it by a full minute. Best out of three? :cry:


Uhm… that seems to mute the entire topic…

Darn. That’s the next best thing as it seems there’s no specific mute function for players. :confused:

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There’s a way to make only your posts show up in my view of the thread… Not really finding a way to suppress them all though yet. Hm.

Edit: Ooh, didn’t see Raicolette’s post.

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Perhaps after you’re past level 1 on the forums?