IGN ranks FF XIV #1 WoW #2

No you aren’t.
You don’t see that;
A. I didn’t say they aren’t able to voice their opinion… nor inferred it.
B. Then if A is correct, why reply to me that

It makes no sense.

Yeah, try using said tree lol

Probably because I literally tried pointing out how backwards your logic is. I can’t be bothered anymore. Have the last word. Done reading and replying.

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Because I’m truly displeased with the game. I want to make my displeasure known.

So to confirm, you’re not answering my question?

Yeah, faulty reasoning is faulty reasoning, glad you see YOUR fault.

Oh god, are you really that daft.
I reply my opinion just like you do to other threads crapping on said game.

You literally have the answer in what you wrote, is it that hard to understand to your own question ding dong.

I wish this were true but the 0.3s delay built into FFXIV makes combat feel awful. In FFXIV, You can actually start moving before you finish a cast since your client is desynced from the server by about 300ms. This also means that you can get hit by ground effects after moving out.

So why do you insult me for doing the exact same thing you’re doing?

How am I insulting you.
You asked a question, I gave you an answer with a relatively simple example.

You don’t get it.
Is daft an insult to you, lmao.

Could be moss instead of a tree

This isn’t really a good point, I hate current Blizzard but IGN has never been credible, they’re infamous for being the CNN of video games.

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You didn’t give me any answer until you decided to insult me.

Clearly I don’t understand the mind of a hypocrite.

Oh my lordie.
You honestly don’t understand an answer to your question.

Because it’s within anyones right to reply.
It’s not an echo chamber.
The same way you can’t ignore threads to just crap on the game…

Clear enough for you there bub

Seems like it’s a prime chance for you to insult and belittle people. Seems to be the MO for most people that defend Blizzard.

I’d use it for fire wood if that’s all it was being used for…


Predictable response from a predictable person.
Have a nice night 'cause I ain’t gonna waste my time on your non discussions.
Honestly dude, get help if this is the path you always take.

The irony is palpable

Everything ok at home dude?

Typical arrogant hypocrite. Run along and continue insulting people. It’s what children do after all.

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Yes, the weather’s beautiful lately, thank you.

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