IGN ranks FF XIV #1 WoW #2

At least you know what one word means.

Black mage players: “First time?”

LOL, who keeps flagging these?

Can’t fix problems in denial. As they say admitting the problem is the first step.

I didn’t even like FFXIV when I played it, but all the salt in this thread is funny.

Mm mm mm


It’s become very clear over the last few years that a bunch of people are developing WoW who really never should have been. And if they can move to another game, good.

Fixt that for ya. The game has left the player base by embracing system craft.


IGN also gave the Snydercut 8/10 stars. Their taste is just complete crap.

Ion. Who else?

I’m not sure why it matters what rank the game is. If you like it, play it. If you have constructive criticism, give it. If you hate it, either give constructive criticism or leave.

It was never going to stay number one. It doesn’t matter what rank it has. It matters how many still want to play based off of gameplay.

Yea, they need to focus on the overall player experience instead of building systems. It’s like all of the creative people have left Blizzard and the only people that remain are tech people and accountants. These people know numbers and would make an expansion like Shadowlands.

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Constructive criticism has been given for more than 2 years and every single bit of it has been ignored.

As a whole i still think wow is #1 if you account for its past greatness.

If you look at SL vs SB FFXIV is still #1 but wow is under top 5 for sure.

If you look at the current state, direction, and energy levels, FFXIV is still #1 but wow is probably towards the bottom.

Its not where wow was, or where it is, its where its going thats the problem, which is the exact opposite of how it is for FFXIV.

I seen that & felt a little sad but you cant stay on top forever especially when you ignore and break contact with the paying community, especially with todays upcoming competition

IGN has their opinion and if that’s what they think, good on them.

I’m not beholden to their opinions, I make my own.

If WoW is no longer #1, I could not care less. I play the game because I enjoy it, not because it’s #1.

I still play ESO and SWTOR and neither of those games were ever #1, or even #2.

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Oh so I guess they’ll listen to deconstructive criticism like rants and insults then. :roll_eyes:

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Bye everyone who’s leaving for ff14!
And to those staying in wow because you have fun or enjoy it, hello new friends!!

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I rank pancakes #1 and waffles#2.
I also have as much journalistic integrity as IGN so it must be true!

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Not sure if you’ve noticed but wow’s becoming a ghost town. Wow’s “massive playerbase” is split between 3 versions of the game right now and on those 3 versions there’s 2 factions each. Even if wow has more players than FFXIV they’re spread so thin you’ll never notice. The devs constantly ignore feedback and when they do listen they implement features in the most monkey paw way imaginable. Just look at valor points now vs old school valor points. They’re a joke.

But hey, wow’s fine though.


Waffles having pockets for syrup automatically makes them #1. Sorry dude.

Great, another waffle shill…

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