IGN ranks FF XIV #1 WoW #2

Bumped what,… someone who posted a minute before me, and a thread that was done today… maybe learn what ‘bump’ means with regards to threads genius.

God forbid that I actually go outside lmao.

A bump is a message that brings a thread to the top of board. Doesn’t matter if your post is a minute later. You’re about as bright as a black hole, and twice as dense…




These steps may be a little too complex. Any way you could simplify them for him?

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Yes and when said thread is literally near the top, using that term ‘bump’ is still void of any meaning to the associated topic at hand.

Yes I’m fully aware of said option.
It’s not an echo chamber so I’m within my right to voice my displeasure.

Still wasn’t at the top, you put it there. It is literally by definition a bump. So don’t tell me it isn’t just because you didn’t necro this thread… A bump is a bump.


Cool. WoW and FFXIV are both great games.

I admire the competition and I hope it drives both of them to continue to improve.

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Oh yikes, it was like what, 10th or something… Get real.
Using the word bump is like if this thread was hidden somewhere.
Guess what, it wasn’t.

just like op is in their right to make said thread?


By definition it doesn’t have you be. Look up the term.

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And yet I never said they shouldn’t do so :man_shrugging:

I see you and people like you always entering these types of threads and making some snide comment like you did in your first post here.

Why do you do it? Yes, it’s within your rights to post in any thread you want but you’re so obviously giving it attention. Why do you and people like you have the inability to ignore threads you don’t like?

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A literal rock > ign >> Polygon >>>>>>>>> kotaku

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Why do you keep making posts crapping on the game.
Because you are within your right… so what is your point.

You voiced your disapproval, people have voiced their disapproval/opinion on how you should probably handle it. No one has told you that you don’t have the right to post.

You can’t have it both ways, champ.


Then reread what you wrote earlier and think why that makes no sense there darling.

What I find funny is that wow and ffxiv developers actually get along pretty well, even gift each other things. Just the fan bases act like children to one another

I’m literally using YOUR words to highlight this…

You’re inferring that anyone has voiced to the contrary…


Right now there’s a tree working really hard to produce oxygen for you to breathe. Please apologize to it.