IGN ranks FF XIV #1 WoW #2

IGN telling me FFXIV is #1 doesn’t make FFXIV a fun game to play. I’ve not enjoyed FFXIV since the first day it came out, not any in between and not now. Still sucks.

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Ign has bigger fish to fry.

Not supporting just palenstine (and crying about it when busted), not having plagiarists, 6/10 too much water.

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It’s almost as if this is a personal opinion… which, it is.

So yeah, someone else likes FFXIV and puts it above WoW, big deal. They’re not the first and they won’t be the last.

We didn’t need another FFXIV thread on the forums.

I mean IGN did that deep expose earlier about Blizzard.

FF14 is just a better game right now.

If you like endgame and raiding and hard dungeons WoW is your game.

But if you like anything else that’s not that, well…WoW isn’t a good game.

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I feel like I’m the only one who really liked OR/AS :sob:

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Can’t spell ignorant without IGN.
cackles and wiggles toes

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WoW might be a mini game at the Gold Saucer.

You might be playing FF14 right now.

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I tried FF a month or so ago. Ill personally say No MMO will ever take WoWs place in my eyes. If WoW dies I’m done with MMOs, I cant see myself playing another. It’s honestly very sad seeing the game I grew up with die.



Pretty much. Which is why I wish people would just find what they like, move on, and quit with these threads.

IGN’s opinion matters?

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Pretty much, if you’re not a tryhard, wow sucks.

Kinda funny how the game marketed as an accessible MMORPG became the hardcore MMORPG.

either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


In defense of this:

FFXIV has spent its 8 years pretty well building up the game. If you visualize it as a curve, it doesn’t matter how old the game is, the quality of FFXIV is (debateably) surpassing the quality of WoW, and FFXIV does have an xpac coming that brings more attention than it would otherwise have. It’d be the same if something like Runescape suddenly surpassed WoW for quality, either because RS suddenly soared that high or WoW tanked that low.

Difference between FF and WoW. FF could acknowledge their previous iteration was a failure and fix things. Blizzard currently can not/will not do either.


Ive said it before, I’ll say it again.

It’s completely Ion’s fault that the world of warcraft, became World of Walletcraft - the tryhard story.

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Oh god, another ff is ranked first thread :face_vomiting:
You guys don’t have anything better to do…
Go watch birds sing, learn the guitar, play a game, make music, watch memes…

Like honestly, lol

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And you bumped it. Couple sandwiches short of a picnic, a’int 'cha?


Get real dude, you’re sittin on wow forums, telling other people on wow forums, to go outside. Pot, kettle, black

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