If you're unsubbing, consider this

I already have…not everyone is as addicted to wow as you.

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and yet… you can’t seem to walk away.

Just think of my presence here as a middle finger up as I walk out the door.

i won’t spend any time thinking about it at all.
i see it for what it is.


you’re still here today, you’ll still be here tomorrow.

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I’m so disgusted I can’t bring myself to log-in. So I cancelled my subscription. I’ve cancelled TV cable contracts, I don’t shop at certain stores, or buy certain brands of goods. I will also try to only buy fair-trade certified coffee and chocolate. So yeah, I can’t always ‘boycott’ things that I don’t agree with, but sometimes I can. And I do, and so should anybody that can.


You’re right, I have about 4 days left. :blush:

oh brother…no wonder you got flag bombed, lmao.
Man has been eating animals since man became a being. dude.
Give it a rest.

if most people tried that, they’d be living naked in a cardboard box.
oh wait.
no, they wouldn’t even have the box.
some poor trees would have to die for that.

as a result, i live in a house, with utilities connected, i wear clothes, i buy luxury items, i shop at a supermarket, i drive a car, and will act as a consumer until a few days after i die.

Hmmm, this sounds like one of those wumao (or whatever they’re called) tactics. Just give up, there’s no hope in trying! The world is too dark and terrible for you to change anything at all.

I’d wait and see how this pans out. The documents for the prosecution side are always going to give the worst spin on it. I doubt this would have progressed this far over nothing (but can’t dismiss it in the modern world) but there are big differences in the degree of wrong.

How widespread were the problems? Even more, lines like “had to pull him off women at parties” could mean a lot of things. People might say that in the sense of “had to pull him away” or it could be he was actually hands on. What was the process for reporting and who made the decisions?

And that is another thing, as much as people love to denounce Bobby Kotick, it was most likely Morhaime who was the responsible for Blizzard during most of this time period.

Did you even play the game with only 530 achievement points? :clown_face:

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We haven’t seen any evidence yet

Saying things isnt good enough in the court of law.

Copium 10char

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I unsub due to the product. With the way TBCC is going, might just stay unsub for a long time until the changes I want actually happen.

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Tldr already unsubbed

i unsubbed and uninstalled for ffxiv. now im glad im not giving a cent to this company

disgusting pigsty of a company

Oh lawd, it’s the “you aren’t doing something about everything, so you shouldn’t do something about anything” argument. /r/im14andthisisdeep


“There is some good left in this world, Mr. Tics, and it’s worth fighting for.”

Already unsubbed but keep promoting it. This game neeeds a lot of work both in the actual game and blizzard workplace in order for this to be worth an active sub.

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Man has also been commiting genocide since the beginning as well, doesn’t seem like a well thought out reply.

Just a little more than a century ago people were saying “slavery has always happened, why do you care so much about the freedom of others? Give it a rest”!

Ah yes, bad things happen so continue actively funding a very bad company.