If you're unsubbing, consider this

Consider this those are necessities of life WoW however is not strawman burnt down

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They investigated for 2 years due to victims coming forward and saying that these animals were doing cruel things to people.

Imagine reading any part of the actual evidence, of victim after victim saying these things happened, and actually going like “oh well they might not be guilty tho!”

I hope to the ends of the world nothing remotely close to what has happened to these women happen to anyone you know. But you really need to remove your head from your a$$ and stop defending a multi billion dollar company who would step on your lungs if they could have the rights to your air.


Yes, and I will wait until the law has stated they are guilty because that is the best practice in general.

When the court proceedings are done and we have a judgement then I’ll make my decision on how I view the company as a whole. Not once have I said anything other than that I am doubtful that Blizzard was the direct cause of someones death. That the death happened is a shame and I don’t have the information on hand to just agree that the company is solely at fault. So I will wait for the courts to have their day and read about that stuff when it becomes accessible. Generally when people chose to commit suicide there are a host of many reasons that lead to the event. Each inching the person closer to committing the action.

On the part of the ‘toxic masculinity’ or bro culture or whatever it wants to be called I can agree that there were definitely issues involving repercussions for unwanted behavior actually occurring. That part is obviously clear. Outside of that is where everything gets muddled though.


Wow. Gross


What is presented is not evidence yet it is claims and accusations. We do not have access to statements, to hr documents, have dates and times matched up, etc.

It could very well end up being true but at this point no one but the people involved know for sure.

I can say all kind of untrue things that could make life miserable for people. That doesn’t make anything I said true, you have to have something that proves guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Anything less then that and its acting on emotions and not on logic.


Lol more gross


Existence is arbitrary. Save the soapbox for storage, 'cause there’s nothing to gain from preaching out of pride for your own virtuousness. Just figure out your own values and give everyone else a break.

Because I won’t pull out the pitchfork and torch on something based on claims?

Really if you agree with the idea that actiblizz promotes and rewards people who push others to suicide why are you even here?

All I’ve said is that I’m withholding judgement until I have more data because that is the most intelligent thing to do here. The fact that you feel the need to dodge the filter and insult me is kinda droll.


I’m considering unsubbing based on the statement they put out and for me to say that is quite something. It’d be a different story if they expressed nothing but remorse and cooperation, I didn’t get that vibe from the statement.


I dont understand anyone who feels the need to defend companies in general, and especially ones who have time and time again proven that they should not be defended.

There is 0 chance that after a 2 year investigation that this stuff is made up. That with this many testimonials that it isn’t indicative of at least a large degree of truth. Your defending a company that allowed their top brass to treat other people like meat.

Courts be dammed dude. If any sort of positive change is to be hoped for, it’s not going to come from people defending the giga company with endless coffers. If by some miracle the courts don’t crush blizzard with a huge fine (which the company will of course wether without problems of course) then the company will still be a garbage toxic waste dump that welcomes abusers and harassers and will be unless the court of public opinion forces them to change.

God don’t defend that blizzard would literally eat you and your cat in a heartbeat they don’t need you charging to their defense. Hold them accountable for being a lot worse than we expect them to be.


Ya, I like your post mate. Thems the breaks. It’s all evil. Boycotting w/e really does nothing, imo as well. I advocate for a better system. I don’t know what it’s called; maybe it needn’t have a name. But there’s a lot that needs fixing. And these times seem as good as any to fix 'em. Wishing well.

Sounds like making an excuse to me.

That is so true, people take so much for granted. Some people see corpses in the street when they look out their window, and they will not respawn.

The statement read more like ‘were literally restructuring and strategically firing everybody already’ to me.

And to be honest? They kinda have been routine in their series of mass hires, firings, and replacements.

I didn’t defend them. Like at all. I said I’m withholding judgement until I get more data but that the company being the sole cause of someone deciding suicide was the optimal route felt off. Generally suicide is caused by a multitude of things. There isn’t one specific thing that makes a person go ‘this is fine’ it’s often a series of things that combine that leads to that end. I have also said that a toxic work environment definitely did not help the poor lady that did it but I do not have all the information and my google fu isn’t giving me enough to make a solid judgement.


It is a horrible end.

Well Said. The company I have loved for so Long has fallen so so hard.

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Well, I disagree with destroying the internet routers, no need for that.

But as people we could certainly do less with consumerism and materialism.

The hoops people are jumping through to justify their sub is truly one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen.

Get your crap together, OP.

sure thing bud.
that’s why you’re posting on a throw-away alt account.


you can, but you won’t.
your world would fall apart if you didn’t come here daily to complain.

sure. but i can make the conscious decision to stop supporting this particular company, right now, since it ultimately won’t effect my life in any huge way. i’ve been giving them money for literally half of my life and i’m really sad that this is what they’ve apparently been doing with it all this time

while there is issues with getting artisan woodworkers to stop using brazillian rosewood, most furniture is not made with stuff from the amazon rainforest, its going to be pine mostly, just like a 2x4.

most of the clearing of the amazon rainforest is to make room for farm land.

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