If you're thinking about rolling a Monk for Shadowlands, reconsider

All of the Covenant abilities are now up on MMO Champ. None of them interact with Monk abilities at all except Weapons of Order with the RSK/EF/KS reset. All other abilities are stand-alone.

Am I the only one that thinks is uninspired trash? Gaining a CD that does X damage or healing every Y seconds and nothing more with zero synergy or adjustment or interaction whatsoever with any Monk class ability is just boring.

Warriors have a replacement for Execute, Paladins have AoE Judgement/Shock/Avengers Shield, Priests get buffed PW:S/Shadowmend/PW:Radiance etc and Monks get press this button for X damage every Y seconds.

This is exactly the kind of low effort, low priority intern level class “design” I was afraid of and warning of with this thread.

Expel Harm: Can be used while channeling Soothing Mist.
5% base mana
15s CD
101% sp heal on the MW and the target

Vivify: Can be used while channeling Soothing Mist.
4.1% base mana
101% sp heal on target and all ReM targets for 74% sp.

Given we will never ever be in a situation where less than 2 ReM’s are out EH is a bad Vivify. I don’t think it’s “going to be enough” to change anything for MW in PvP or PvE.

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At this point If they weren’t included in the blog post then they’re either

  • Incorrect
  • Not finalized
  • We’re not ready to announce

basically placeholders or effects for the testing environments.

What they picked up on data mining all also just seem to be generic “cast renewing mist on Ally” A.I abilities. If that is the case then it’s pretty uninspiring but I’m not expecting these to be the final versions.

If they are, I’ll concede and complain right along with you.

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Well I’ll have my fingers crossed right along with you. Hopefully something more intriguing comes along.

5% Mana is way to much…

Are you able to find the mistweaver version of the ability by any chance? I can’t seem to bring it up outside of that passive

This coming back is more for WW.

Yes, now that we see the talents I am disappointed. This is like everyone else is wearing class specific legion legos and we are forced to wear the crafted ones.


Yea I know I sound like a broken record to keep harping on about this but EH is a good example of the Monk devs being out of ideas and out of touch with the class.

EH will be a marginal increase in self healing for WW and mostly used while moving because WW already has an ability that spends Chi to gain health called Vivify.

It will be borderline useless for MW, costing more than Vivify for less healing with the only advantage being instant cast while moving.

It will do nothing for Brews who already have it.

So the devs are putting development time into bringing an ability back to “unprune” Monks that does nothing substantial for Monks at all. Why even bring it back? It’s like that simpsons line “We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas”. The devs probably went back and looked through Wowhead for old abilities they could bring back and went with EH because it was easy?

Unpruning it won’t change anything for Monks other than WW and MW having a new animation for an ability that does something they can already do but Blizzard had to pick something to give Monks the illusion of unpruning.

Both wowhead and MMO champ list it as 5% mana costs and 15s CD for 101% sp heal but the MW spec section specifically lists it as healing both the target and MW but only when channeling SM.

That doesn’t sound terrible, if it interacts with mastery also I wouldn’t mind it. It’s like casting vivify on myself and another person. It’s still too early for this much sadness, atm I personally have enjoyed all the MW stuff revealed and will most likely go into shadowlands as a MW.

I was on alpha yesterday and didn’t even see expel harm move my health bar. :rofl: The ability has a .1 second GCD so it was easy to weave in but the GCD+Cooldown felt wierd. It’s like the ability is there one second and then it wasn’t. Little impact.

The ability makes sense if you wanted to add a class ability. It has impact rotationally for brewmaster, it was huge for WW before it was removed, reverse harm later being our best ability for damage, healing, chi generation at good efficiency, and bringing it to mistweaver makes a lot of sense to bridge that gap between specs and opens them up for a powerful ability as well.

It’s basically a 2 man binding heal that’s instant cast instead of hitting a third person. The mana cost kind of makes sense but not with a cooldown as long as it is or the spellpower coefficient. If it was maybe 6 or 8 second and it was slightly stronger it might feel a little better but I think it’s missing a secondary interaction more than anything.

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This being unpruned is for WW and nothing else.

Aren’t they notorious about not bothering with numbers tuning in alpha? Or is the lvl squish active on it?

It was probably just a straight conversion for expel across the board. I haven’t bothered to look at auras and all that because alpha isn’t really the time, like you said. I’m just speaking on how it feels relative to the rest of the kit

I figured the moment they moved from reverse harm, they were going to due away with the 8% part and unfortunately they always screw up our scaling moving into an xpac for a while lol.

However I am glad about moving from % base, those are lazy abilities and dont feel very fun.

It keeps it consistent. I don’t mind tbh

My ideal scenario is still reverse harm stays 8% and replaces expel harm if you take it as a PvP talent.

% base spells are terrible for pvp. As well you get interactions like casting it on a bear and then it translates into chunking off 20% of a normal person’s health right now.

I would have no problem with if they scaled it once you were at the average mythic geared, the it could equal 8%.

The biggest thing I won’t is to be able to modify by pressing it during heavy procs and it be susceptible to crit

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I forgot about bear druid arenas :sweat_smile:

You have a point.

My buddy he has 1.1 mil health self buffed in pvp, and recall reverse harm double dips with a bear. Not only does mastery increase health lvl, but healing received on the bear as well.
All that has translated into RH hitting a player for 150k, was the biggest hit I seen so far. (Double survival instincts traits activated and other mastery procs)

Been doing double ww bear 3s, works fairly well especially when one of the monks is only 420, but that 420 is dangerous because he can produce that hit too.
It’s the same reason why gpyro is stupid too.

% based spells are a little clunky because they are incredibly strong for healers because they usually aren’t affected by dampening but are either lackluster or OP for DPS based on how you’re using (or abusing) it.

Even one spell that’s % based can be both OP or literally useless depending on circumstance. Greater Heal for a Holy Priest does absolutely NOTHING if your team can repeatedly stop it (hello DK’s) but if they can’t it makes for unkillable targets and becomes OP. HPriests in 2’s are stupid and mindless 2 button easy Glad’s but in 3’s are never seen above 1800 because Blizz are incapable of balancing around these kind of % abilities. This feast or famine dynamic with nothing in between is something I’d like Blizzard to move away from as much as possible.

Ion also said in his interview with Sloot that there is no “big update” or chunk of changes coming. From here on out alpha and beta are going to be about iteration and number tuning which makes me very disappointed as a MW player.

It might be time to give up on the dream of getting an interesting healer back in the game akin to 6.X MW with stances, resources other than mana and unique spell interactions. Brewmaster is in a good spot both mechanically and balance-wise but I also feel for all those WW out there who get next to nothing in SL compared to all other melee who are receiving MUCH larger shake ups and more extensive unpruning.

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I would’ve loved chi back as a resource, personally. Paladins are getting in a twist over Holy Power coming back, but I honestly feel like chi worked so well for our class. Is that just me looking back with rose-tinted goggles?


Back in WoD health bars spiked like mad. I used to run dungeons and keep Enveloping on the tank 100% of the time and even that wasn’t enough to keep tanks safe. Spending 4 chi on Uplifts and then having to build more before using Env could be the time it takes for a tank to go from 100% to 0%.

In BfA health bars move much slower so the main downside of chi wouldn’t have been a downside at all. That downside was that MW could AoE heal with Uplifts or single target heal with Enveloping but not both and there was a deley between one and the other.

Current BfA MW has more delay and required setup for optimal throughput that MW did back in WoD.

TP, BoK and RSK are remnants of the Chi system which is something I would of liked streamlined and updated in SL but I guess Blizzard isn’t looking at Monks at all. TP feels clunky because it does nothing but increase BoK global efficiency when doing a sequence of 4 attacks but MW almost never has the time to execute the sequence in any environment that requires healing and it’s almost always better to just RSK or BoK.

Also I miss the old Mana Tea so much.

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See, that’s what I was thinking too. I remember in Mists/WoD you had to kind of set up heals, but nowadays you actually have the time to do that. At least in M+.

We’re talking about Mana Tea with the stacks that built up? Because I loved that Mana Tea so much.

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I understand the reaction, but it isn’t worth giving up in the first week of an expansion alpha. If you’re a WW player and want to help create the best feedback we as a community can create, visit this forum post and contribute.
