If you're thinking about rolling a Monk for Shadowlands, reconsider

Oh damn…

Invoking celestials is going to be baseline…

I don’ like that, at all.


Remember mage spell Wall of Fog from alpha cata?

Wall of Fog (level 85): Creates a line of frost in front of the mage, 30 yards from end to end. Enemies who cross the line are snared and take damage. The mana cost will be designed to make Wall of Fog efficient against groups, not individuals. This spell is intended to give mages a way to help control the battlefield, whether the mage is damaging incoming enemies (Blizzard can be channelled on top of Wall of Fog) or protecting a flag in a Battleground. 10-second duration. 30-second cooldown

People go crazy over things that may never even make it and worrying this hard this early is just going to give unneeded stress.

However I am a bit scared with the lack of stuff for us. We were also the only 1 missing for the unpruning list and we are the only one who didn’t get any look at new class abilities, everyone else at least got a second one.
It tells me they still don’t know what they want to do with monk.

But its not beta, no actual testing has happened.

Yes if it goes from beta to live and still is in the suck, then yes we should be upset.

However they haven’t shown us anything but a cursory look, stay calm and smoke on.

This right here. I stayed with WW because it’s “flow” is fun. In every iteration I have had fun with WW, even in the times they were bottom of the barrell (WoD pvp season 1).

That’s them we are us, how you going to complain about something we haven’t even been given yet?

Like I have to tell the kids; just because someone has something different than you, doesn’t belittle the value of your thing

Just wait to see how this develops. Somethings will be gone before they even get to beta (eg look at the wall of fog spell).

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Some people are likely happy with the changes announced so far but they were the nail in the coffin for me.

I was hoping for bolder design decisions that shows the developers behind the wheel had some kind of vision or direction for the spec. WoD MW was peak MW for me. We have gone from chi spending, stance dancing, instant uplift casting, ReM spreading beasts to bad resto druids with mist animations.

We are going to get Expel Harm, ToD a Celestial CD and a new talent but the base issues the spec has remain and the currently fun but OP RM haste stacking build is going to die when we go from 50%+ haste to ~10-15% in Shadowlands.

ToD has no real impact for MW healing. EH won’t change much either. Celestial will be another Revival 3m CD with a stacking limitation and Red Crane is Conflict essence without the essence.

We’ve spent 90% of BfA as a bottom of the barrel healer with low throughput and mana sustain issues and Shadowlands looks like its 90% the same spec we’ve had for all of BfA so I don’t expect Shadowlands MW balance to be much different from BfA balance sans RM haste stacking shenanigens.

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im fairly openly pessimistic about wow in general these days because ive especially lost faith in blizzard over the last 2 years, but this isnt a soapbox worth dying on.

its early days. i agree its been 6 months, and nothing having been released * yet * for monks is annoying/concerning, but we have months to go. now if it gets to the final month of beta and blizz are still trying to buff out the edges then ill join the OP in there pessimism. it is too early to say at this stage.

on the one hand, 2H weapons are back, thats great. summon xuen im indifferent on, its a fire and forget cd, but hes kinda cute, so im just indifferent here, its not a big win or a negative to me. the touch of death change… it means some things like brawlers guild we will completely dominate in again and will likely crush things in torghast, and in pvp that will likely have the 10% cut off aspect restored so players in pvp now only have 90% health against monks again. there was a lot of silliness we could do with the old touch of death.

expel harm being back will be interesting if we also have reverse harm as a pvp talent too. im wondering if blizz would have that oversight.

dance of chi-ji is now also a talent. my guess is that its going in xuens position on tier 90. its the obvious spot for it. i honestly havnt read through other classes yet and if anyone else is getting azerite traits baseline, but that also means that azerite gear could be turned off in the pre-patch, because then we would have 2 different dance of chi-ji effects.

and fort brew being baseline was a given. it was entirely obvious it was going to be, that and healing elixir, but we havnt heard anything about it yet.

im still hoping for whirling dragon punch baseline, and changes to our primary dps cd to not be storm earth and fire. touch of death on the opener has just been changed to xuen, so its a net nothing changed, its a 1 button press fire and forget, but at least with gale burst on touch of death, our opener burst will be lower. so they might beef up tony the tiger. or roll damage back in rotationally.

as an aside and offtopic. with corruption and procs im getting upwards to 78% versatility atm on live. and dayyyyyuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm does it feel good. ive been championing for windwalker to be a proper versa spec as our dps cd for the longest time, because damn does it feel good. i take soooo much less damage than everyone else because of the versa. in M+ when people drop really low on health im still very high on health. im really hunting for 1 more +12% versa corruption cause it should tip me almost over 100% with plume, weapon enchant and the proc versa effects up. windwalker * feels * so damn good playing with that much versa. im like a brickwall rushing down things. im loving it.

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We had stances, by no actual means was there practical reasons to leave your given spec’s stance.
It’s neat flavour, but overall worthless.

They flat out said multiple times they will not be changing classes too much rotationally. Very few are being updated in that way.

Ideally , reverse harm would replace expel harm, instead of removing the PvP talent. It was a really good addition to finally have and solved a lot of issues with our ability to be in combat vs. other melee.

Having expel harm replaced by reverse harm if you talent into it would help retain some of the strength we have and it would also help talent versatility by potentially removing that “Pick Everytime status” because of its damage, healing, and resource generation.

Originally, 5.x.x expel harm didn’t generate chi. In 6.x.x I believe that’s when it was changed to generate 1 if it healed and then deal 33% of the heal amount. So as it stands the PvP talent could be just a situational pick when you want a little bit of a boost to your expel harm or a total improvement by adding the chi gen, depending on which version they give us baseline.

If it’s been announced already sorry I haven’t bothered looking.

For Mistweavers switching into Crane was actually not terrible. It wasn’t something I ever remember doing much in progression raiding for anything other than damage on a prio target like 1 DF Archi, it was mainly for PvP, but if I had to choose between current crane iteration (or just current damage model in general with TFT) then hands down current iteration is miles ahead of stances for gameplay.

Switching, using CJL for Chi cap, dumping RSK and all the different damage combos you were doing in crane is basically done better , imo, with the new talents and passives.

Mistweaver is one of a few specs that I believe took steps forward in many regards.


That’s objectively inaccurate and very 1 dimensional.

There is not a single season this expansion that Mistweaver was not top tier in either Raiding, PvP, or M+ and at no point did they become “bottom barrel” in the seasons they didn’t excel.

If you left the mw stance you lost the stun thing

Nimble? You could use it in crane. Let me see if I can get this uploaded. I have it on discord but the link keeps trying to get people to download the clip. Not trying to deal with “MVP gives monk players Chinese maleware” :thinking:

Basically it was just damage and heal with surge if you needed to. You lost surge stacks when you switched back though.

You ever look back and ask yourself “why TF do I spaz out on my camera so much?” I’ve definitely gotten lazy when I play :joy:

No when. Mw was stunned the first 2 secs they couldn’t be hit, like a 10 sec ICD. I am, fairly certain. I didn’t mw seriously in pvp, except to in 2s sometimes

Oh, dematerialize. That didn’t have a stance requirement iirc

I am not remembering all honestly, my only mop mw xp was doing double mw 2s and triple mw 3s.
The tears that use to flow lol

I was hoping they’d go back to the original mana tea and chi mechanics for MW (but keep the newer AoE mechanics rather than going back to uplift). You could never really go OOM for long and the juggling mechanic was as close to an energy based healer as we’ll probably ever get.

Looks like instead they gave paladin’s hopo back. I didn’t hate hopo as much as a lot of paladin’s on the forums seem to, but I did like Chi better since it had a more interesting interaction with the mana tea mechanic.

I’d never main BM but as an offspec the only thing I was looking for was dizzying haze since chucking kegs was amusing. Doesn’t look like they’re getting keg spam back since I’m assuming the talent they mention is a cooldown and not the same thing based on what it does.

But it’s not broken, and its not beta. It’s alpha. And some of those Covenant abilities are really boring and uninspired, so I’m okay with waiting a bit longer for ours, personally.

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if they ever made dematerialize baseline…


to be fair though, it would still be 5 times the length of CD that demon hunters get on blade dance.

but i still wants it. the things i could do with that if blizz ever brought it back…

I assume he means the inevitable drop in stats with a new expansion, since our gear won’t be the best and more stats are available on better gear. Its natural so i’m not sure why they are freaking out, you will still have a lot of haste, gradually losing it as you level and grow out of your gear, until you get to max level and get appropriate gear, where your haste will go back to normal. In no way will you have 10% haste with level 60 gear, once you get it.

If they mean corruption well yes, but everyone is losing corruption/azerite so its moot.


Looks like it’ll be 32 haste per % roughly from taking a peek at the combat ratings table.

106 haste at 340 ilvl ( 3.3% )

171 haste at 340 ( 5% )

  • Imagine the rest of gear slots. Not going to craft a set on mobile *

I’m fairly certain I saw a post by someone stating that the goal of the level squish was to bring everything back to a meaningful state but they weren’t looking to bring haste , crit, and other stat ratings down to abysmal levels.

Going based on my initial perception I can’t see any reason why , outside of the removal of things like Misty peaks , there is a reason to worry about haste levels dropping to trash percentages if your actively trying to gear for something specific like the rising mists build.

You might only get a set number of renewing mists out, but the weapons of order he was complaining about will put more EF HoTs on players which will still gain benefit from RM. The only difference I see is that vivify might not scale as massively on haste as it currently does. I haven’t sat down and looked in depth at anything or broken down any mastery changes.

The hate is just so misplaced.

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I like that they’ve tried less toxic ways to give monks of all specs a level of combat sustainability rather than just revert back to sparring / dematerialize.

Blade dance (glad it’s getting an increased cooldown), crimson vial, etc has all been terrible.

The covenant from the necrolord faction already makes me think it might be miserable in PvP.

I don’t have anything to add really. I like that Expel is coming back and I personally think it’ll be enough but best we can do is keep giving feedback.

Edit: I do hope 7 minute fort brew is a data mining error though