This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Blizzard leave the Monk changes to the last minute and as a result, dumpster the class for a whole expansion or multiple tiers.
75% of the Monk Covenant abilities are missing. This is because there either isn’t a developer who’s assigned to Monks because Blizzard doesn’t care or the guy who is has no ideas and vision or direction for the class. I’m not sure which is worse.
The only ability that is previewed for Mistweavers is so obviously bad that the person or team responsible is only showing how out of touch they are with the spec. EF’s power comes from the double mastery buff not channeling the ability itself. Even so, EF is not used optimally in PvP, M+ or Raids at the moment because the rest of their toolkit thoroughly outclasses it.
That is to say nothing of the mana cost of EF being high on a spec that has spent the majority of BFA struggling with mana usage. The haste stacking RM build is an exception to this but also doesn’t use EF because it’s so comparatively weak to ReM/RSK/Viv/Env.
If you want to play a class that will get attention from the developers when needed or want to play a class that is at least somewhat competitive look elsewhere.
Blizzard are showing us right now how high they place Monks as a priority for developer time. They’ve made sure every other class has some interesting and powerful Covenant abilities but either straight up forgot to assign someone to Monk abilities or the person assigned is so out of ideas and direction that the best they could do is one obviously underpowered and uninspired ability.
DH’s are frothing over The Hunt or Mages about a skeletal mage form or Druid’s about a 16 spell barrage or Paladins about mass Judgement and mass Avengers Shield but I can’t imagine a single WW is excited about an RSK reset or MW about EF draining their mana faster for no healing or BRM getting an extra Keg Smash on an already GCD’s capped tank.
For Mistweavers specifically:
I have trouble imagining the developer responsible for thinking up an ability like this is the same guy that probably sat in a job interview and unironically said “game design is my passion”.
For a short duration, your Mastery is increased by a percentage. In addition:
Mistweavers’ Essence Font cooldown is reset instantly and heals nearby allies on channel start and end.
So Mastery is increased for a short duration but during that duration I’m channeling EF to use the CD reset but while I’m channeling I get no benefit from the Mastery buff because I’m not casting ReM/Env/Viv?
If I take this ability I just can’t play Upwelling without being an idiot?
The reset of EF means RM does nothing to EF around this CD because I’m going to be refreshing EF quickly anyway?
If the power of this ability comes through the heal at the start and end of the channel I can’t use it in PvP because there is no time where I can cast for 3 seconds without getting stopped/kicked and not be kiting.
I can’t think of what this ability would allow me to do on my MW that I can’t already do? Channeling EF just isn’t powerful enough to enable anything.
Before the RM build there was no situation outside of raids where channeling EF was a good idea. It was always used as a mastery buff applicator not a healing button. Even in raids, EF might look nice on WoL but it is meaningless healing. Tiny ticks of healing spread over 18 targets over time pads meters well but it doesn’t save anyone from dying, it doesn’t heal priority targets and it doesn’t keep tanks alive. This Covenant ability does nothing to change that.