If you're spending more than 6 hours a day grinding instances

I imagine it’s extremely difficult to fight the bots. There’s a profitable black market for what the bots are selling, and a computer program can run circles around a human being when it comes to this sort of thing. Look at how hard prohibition failed because of the black market for alcohol (or drug prohibition because of the black market for drugs) and then imagine that the people who were peddling booze and drugs weren’t people at all but computer programs that never have to eat or sleep and any time you catch one a new one pops up for a few bucks.

Wrong. I play primarily on Saturday. I reach the cap easily. Have a problem with that?

Funny you brought up prohibition, the thing that failed lol. But yes. And frankly, if it is bots, all the more reason not to hurt actual people. You could continue to limit and limit and limit and never stop it.

Depends, are you going to whine about it?

I will complain about it on the forums, yes. The only one whining here is you with your troll OP post.

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Uhh 5 an hour is max …so you hit 5 every hour that is a minimum of 6 hours …seems to me like you are the one that needs to “Inform yourself”…

If you are trying to tell people how they should spend their time you need to re-evaluate your life. Here are other things you can do:

Stop being a scumbag
Worry about yourself
Get off the forums


ya rekt him

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I know you’re undead, so your brain is rotting, but I’m talking about played time.

I can very easily do 5 instances in under an hour. I am not farming dungeons non-stop for 6 hours.

Even if I were, though… who cares? It’s none of your god damn business how I spend my time.

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I agree on this 100% I wasn’t arguing that …But in 6 hours you can reach 30 …You may not be doing instance the whole time but it does take 6 hours to reach the 30 is all I was saying…I agree though this change is stupid and have no idea what they made it.

all I was saying is it does take 6 hours minimum to reach the 30

Right, but that’s not what the OP said.

“If you’re spending more than 6 hours a day grinding instances”

what i am saying is real time you can not hit 30 before 6 hour I am not talking about play time i am talking from the time you do your first one you can not hit the last one until about 6 hours later because you can only do 5 an hour.

botting hurts everyone’s economy.

Right but when people say they can hit it in less, thats what they mean.

That is just arguing semantics…its the dumbest kinda of argument you can make…

No really though. If you are only playing 15 min at a time to farm something for raid and someone says “You farming instances for 6 straight hours is impossible and stupid and you have no life” is that the same?

EDIT: Not saying people shouldn’t be able to farm for hours and hours all they want. Farm it up my man. Everyone has different goals and things they like in Classic. Do it to it.

Look I am on the side that this is the dumbest change I have seen its the first time I am truly contemplating quitting the game over, but I am not going to get in an argument over semantics, semantic arguments are stupid and accomplish nothing

I refer to my edit

Seriously though, how much do you need that stuff for raid? Raids are hella easy up until naxx, from what I understand. Like I get the druid staff from Gnomer gives you a dps boost, but do you really need it so badly that you’re gonna farm the instance 30 times to save yourself 2 minutes in BWL?

As a non-raider, you don’t even know how much is needed for raids. Even a casual raid like ours! Preachin’ to the choir my man. I actively speak out against this min max crap and the idea that we have to bring or not bring those certain classes. For reals, my fellow officers probably hate me.

But at some point, when its on super farm because progression was real easy (could not be true for all guilds so I DO NOT speak for everyone) I can say some people enjoy that. We are actually a really casual guild that still has people who spend 2 hours every day before raid to farm all world buffs to be competitive and try to beat those rankings.

I’m am guilty of this too. TO BE FAIR if I let my husband die, as the tank, and lose all his threat buffs, well I just don’t want to hear the sad crying in the corner.

So basically, why not go get those buffs and try my best? There’s nothing really else to do. That’s what happens when you do end game in a game like this. And I get why a druid would feel this way too. Hating on them for trying to keep up with others is the worst. They’re already at a disadvantage, even though they bring things that I feel like aid a raid. But don’t judge people who want to bring their best?

Should you take their or others’ fun away? I can go balls to the wall and get a 99 as a priest but you’re telling someone because they’re a different class/role they can’t try to do their best compared to others and parse well? Maybe even not the best, but well enough that you feel like you’re contributing? Who are you to tell them they can’t play the way they want?

Blizzard apparently is the one to tell them that. I guess at least they realized locking the to raids was really crappy, so thank you Blizz for changing that.