You should re-evaluate your life. Here are other things you can do:
Take a shower.
Go outside.
Spend time with your loved ones.
Pursue gainful employment.
Go back to school and further your education.
Adopt a pet.
Take up a new hobby.
Volunteer at a local charity.
Read a book.
Watch a movie.
Learn to cook.
Clean your home.
And so much more!
“If anyone does 6 hours+ of something i’m personally not interested in, you shouldn’t be interested either and need to re-evaluate your life. Your free time should be dictated by what the other WoW players do with their time”.
If you have 15 years to spend playing the same game, you should evaluate your life. How dare you do a thing you like to do for so long, what’s wrong with you.
I don’t usually respond to this kind of post but having done the rank 14 grind, which can actually be called no lifing, and seeing you call people who do dungeons for 6 hours a day no lifers is pretty funny.
Plenty of people spend 6 hours a day watching TV or whatever. 6 hours a day does not mean you don’t have a job ESPECIALLY if you’re only doing 6+ hours on the weekend. It’s nothing.
Agreed 100% OP. The whining on these forums is so over the top. This is a welcome change, maybe some of these 6 hours a day players will go out into the world …(of Warcraft).
I’m willing to bet the people who are complaining about not being able to grind instances for more than 6 hours a day are not logging off after 6 hours, and not only playing on Saturday and Sunday.
Hi there, I guess congrats on successful trolling because you compelled me to respond here.
First of all, I wanna say these forums just make me sad. There is so much hate and fighting and nothing successfully being accomplished by any of this, except I guess trolling. It made me remove my one and only post on these forums. So good job being a part of human internet scum? I guess?
Second, wow, it just seems like being super judge-y of other people and wanting to control exactly how someone else spends their time, gaming and life is really prevalent here. Also seems like that speaks to the world today and I really hopes that changes, for my kids’ sakes.
Now to actually respond to your ignorant self:
I have a Bachelor’s of Science in Accounting.
I am a partner in my own successful small business related to Engineering.
I am married with 2 children.
I spent the last school year, due to COVID, homeschooling said children for 6 hours a day.
I have 2 dogs and a cat, all happy and adorable.
We do board game night as a family every Saturday.
My sister recently moved in due to hardships related to COVID. I’m helping raise her son while she goes back to school for a new profession since she got laid off (again due to COVID).
My house isn’t perfect but you better believe I have dinner done ever night and my kids have clean damn clothes.
I’m gonna bet I’ve accomplished more in my life than you’ve accomplished in yours, thus far, and my logs speaks volumes over yours, which are non-existent. YEAH THAT’S RIGHT I WENT THERE.
I have 100% spent a weekend with friends grinding dungeons, boosting friends, or some other related thing that I took the time out for that would absolutely not be possible with this 30 instance cap. Saying grinding instances for 6+ hours is impossible is pure ignorance and anyone who says this has:
no friends
doesn’t know how to grind dungeons, apparently
not played WoW or any other MMO for the past 15 years in which boosting and grinding ARE ALL THE RAGE GUYS. This is not an old concept. You younglings who think this is out of the realm of possibility for a real human are delusional
this idea of what they think Classic would/should be that it isn’t
Stop with this nonsense. You may feel like you won with this really stupid 30-instance a day policy, but the reality is we have all lost and this is just part of that slippery slope to the retail none of us want to play.
Never said grinding instances for 6 hours a day is impossible, only that it’s a waste of time.
If you’re doing 5 instances per hour, which is the max, and you’re hitting the 30 instance cap, you’re playing for 6 hours minimum. Most players will never achieve this, and most players that do achieve it are using automation tools to do so. We have not ALL lost - botters have lost. If you’re managing to hit the 30 instance lockout you’re in a very small minority. If you’re doing it consistently, you’re in an even smaller minority. If you aren’t hitting it consistently, you’ve lost very little. There are other things to do in this game than spam the same instance over and over.
If you think I care about my (or your) dps logs in WoW classic you have seriously misjudged me.