Wait me and my guild are casuals cause we get aotc and quit? Whatttttt? Heroic raiders can’t be casual only lfr can according to the forums here
What absolute nonsense. I have yet to see an AOTC guild that actually gives a hoot what class their players play as long as they play them half competently. If you don’t want to raid normal/heroic that’s fine, don’t.
But don’t then try to paint normal/heroic guilds as some kind of elitist villains when the VAST majority are just groups of normal and often pretty casual people playing the game and having a good time.
In a twisted way, you are. Compare it to RP-servers. These people are the top tier when it comes to WoW. They need to know lore, they work for their transmogs (although SL is not compatible in general but for DK-RP) and are on several events or organized RPs over months and years. Just to give you an idea: There are daily 2-4 events per night and you can just attend one with a single character. And this still does not cover your experience as a RPer.
When I compare this to the regular player, who does their thing and comes back for the next patch, it is hard to take them seriously when everything what matters to them is a number which indicates their current power level.
You can just as easily afk in normal and heroic as they are also a joke in terms of difficulty with current gear so I’m not sure what kind of point you’re trying to make thinking that is exclusive to LFR, unless you’re so bad you actually think normal and heroic are actually hard?
I think that’s where your wrong though I can only speak for me and my friends but for us it’s about raiding together enjoying each other’s company while we accomplish our goals not so much about the numbers
Not without paying.
I know they aren’t.
Basically yeah, it’s been a long time since Blizzard actually respected the player’s time to be able to do anything. I think Blizzard would rather be able to sell boosts via tokens since it’s virtually approved by them to be okay, so what better way to do that but make an anticipated mount require something that you can’t queue for?
Don’t worry though folks, Blizzard is totally listening to the players for Dragonflight, this isn’t just PR talk
And the stacking damage buff you get in LFR.
Then it appears you are just as disconnected from reality as the current leadership of this game is.
if you can only complete LFR then you honestly should be looked down upon
So do you look down upon a person with disabilities because they can’t do the things you can do?
The mount is a reward for raiding the content right?
When has LFR ever awarded a mount?
idk if someone has one but ill assume they don’t, and if they said they did than i would understand i guess
LFR was always intended for the crowd that was like, “I just want the story, why can’t I do the raid for the story!”. If you’re unable to clear normal for any reason at all, you don’t deserve any higher rewards. Clearing normal is completely reasonable with very low effort over time.
Sometimes you can’t have everything you want.
If, for some reason, you are unable to complete normal raids, maybe you shouldn’t receive rewards tied to raiding normal? There are plenty of other mounts you can get outside of raiding, maybe you should work on those instead.
Or… Just hear me out… You could try to get out of your comfort zone and try content a little harder than LFR. If you really care about the sludge feline, you will work on getting better instead of crying.
Rofl, let me tell you something: if people are dumb enough to buy carries through NORMAL, if I was Blizzard, I would keep this dumb mount out of LFR too. The only thing this describes is how god awful the playerbase of this game truly is, nothing else lol.
Yeah, I would want to make money off of these clowns too.
I mean, there are people that were willing to fork over $1k+ in token purchases for the brutosaur in BFA. That’s insane. If people are desperate enough to get a reward and have a path of least resistance to get there, they will choose it.
When has the word “any” not meant any?
That is broadly untrue. Most guilds will take any class if you can play it decently. A friend’s guild cleared AOTC without a mage or warlock in the raid for 70% of the time.