If you're only able to do LFR, you don't matter to Blizzard

Cus we definitely needed a 50th thread on this.

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Maybe Blizzard should learn to read what their achievements say and not change them last minute.


I repeat, maybe you should not be gimping yourself and whining about it.

Somebody sounds a little jealous.

Yes well unfortunately some people’s applied meaning of the word is wrong.

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I completed all 36 of the mage towers in legion, mythic raided during some tiers, completed keystone mastery in others, and more. In no way am I the best player, but I’m not bad. There are many others like me. The thing I’m bad at is having free time and a consistent schedule between work and family obligations. Calling everyone who doesn’t do something “bad” is such an overbroad misstatement.


You can burn through normal faster then LFR. In many cases you’ll have multiple normal bosses down before the LFR que even pops.

You’re bad at time management.

I both (A) work 60-80 hours a week and (B) take care of a sick parent. I couldn’t care less about your black and white statements. Your character’s race speaks for itself.


Whoa… Context matters here. Tell us your true feelings about people different than yourself. :robot:

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Well luckily I’ve taught you how to be more time efficient.

No, because I can do work emails while I’m in the queue and log them as billable hours.

You shouldn’t be playing wow while at work silly.

I’m salaried. Work doesn’t end when I go home.


I’ll jump back into raiding once Blizzard adds a queue. I’m not against doing normal and heroic, I’m just so spoiled by being able to queue for content, that’s the only way I’ll do it.

And from what a lot of you are saying about normal difficulty, it shouldn’t be an issue if Blizzard decides to add a queue. It allows me to take on slightly more difficult content without needing to join someone’s discord or commit to the entire run.

Dang sounds like you picked the wrong career.


hahahaha fair enough


I thought that the fact LFR even exists is evidence that Blizzard cares? You get to see raids and complete storylines without investing in a community, at your convenience.


It’s the “no good deed goes unpunished” scenario.

Casuals: WAaaaaaaaaaaaah! I don’t raid and I never get to see the end of the storyline!

Bliz: Ok … here’s a completely unchallenging version of raid so you can. We’ll even give you a chance at some gear and add a stacking buff so each time your group wipes it gives you a better chance the next time.

Casuals: … Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I want ALL the things the other raids have cause it’s not FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIR!

Bliz: … what?


You mean the “casuals” who swear Blizz hates them and who complain every day that they have nothing to do but have been subbed continuously for almost 20 years?

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When I read comments like this, I get the feeling a lot of people do not understand what a reward is. You ARE NOT being punished or discriminated against because you did not or can not complete a certain task. You are reward because you did. There’s a huge difference.


I wonder how many sub renewals they’ll lose over this one.

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