If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

flasks in classic are suppose to be stupid expensive as black lotuses are rare world farmed items, supply and demand

You’re the one trying to attack me with baseless arguments. You literally admitted to having the problems I outlined, you just don’t feel like it is a problem worth fixing. Okay, well I do. And I did with GDKP. Until you told me I can’t have fun because you don’t like it.

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Yes, and bots and gold selling is going to make them completely unaffordable to the same people that are acting like GDKP is the boogeyman and banning it will solve all their problems. It won’t. Bots are the problem.

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I believe GDKP is a scapegoat

they dont tackle the most obvious source of RMT which is botting

GDKP is a way to re distribute the gold from idle gold to active gold, not a source of demand by itself

ppl will buy gold because they r lazy, even to lvl up profs and buy greens

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Well that wasn’t much fun but someone has to speak truth to power in this forum.

If anyone else wants to take a shot at the merits of the post I’ll return later.

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the gold required to level up a profession or buy consumes is a tiny fraction compared to gold used in GDKPs. you are delusional or dishonest

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Or both ngl

gdkp was never forced on anyone.


im sure people asking for a group and told they don’t have the gold required to be eligible would feel the same

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kinda weird the GDKPers dont even post on their SoD mains

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It’s simple, if players can’t use GDKP to get gear, they can barter for things that would be valued for the same. Like in Path of Exiles, the standard currency is based on chaos orbs. You could offer to trade the person a flask of supreme power for an item. So instead of gold, you are trading items that will constantly change in value, and the point of GDKP is to stop gold farmers. The AH will be f’ed because the bots will be crazy and ppl will need to buy gold anyway to get the items to make the trades.

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people talk about this need to buy gold yet i use significantly more consumes than most people in a raid as engineer yet have never needed to buygold, do a GDKP for gold and I farm less than 2 hours a week in SoD to supply it all

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This is a pretty good take honestly.

I think GDKP is probably the best loot system I’ve encountered in a decade of playing wow for many of the reasons you listed. It would be pretty cool if blizzard experimented with producing a system that replicates it as a game feature in my opinion.

It would be pretty neat to see a raid currency that is account bound and not directly tradable.

  • Allow Players to Accumulate Points by using Emblems or Badges earned non-raid content. ( To address barrier of entry problems)
  • Setup these points to be account bound.
  • Allow Raid Organizers to setup a Split and Organizer Cut when starting a raid (With organizer cut maximums to prevent abuse)
  • Have the game hold on to the Point Pot and allow Raid Organizers to distribute with a button click or auto-distribute after some set maximum time period.
  • Allow players to view other players Raid Profile including boss clear counts and available points.
  • Allow people to bid on gear using points in a popup window when bosses die.
  • Any gear that isn’t bid on auto DE’s and placed into a bundle.
  • Disable Trading of Loot
  • Allow Raid Organizers to issue fines to players that pull from their cut and allocate to the raid of pot.

I would love to use a system like this personally. To me the big problem with legacy systems is their failure to reward effort in equal proportion to the amount put in. Its a rare person that is willing to put hours into building a pug raid or managing a guild and actually maintain it. A system like this would offer like GDKP would fix some of that reward more equally to the effort or lack there people put into the game.


I love watching the GDKPers cry 
 it gives me warm fuzzies


None of this is an issue if you raid with a guild that has a consistent roster and doesn’t tolerate drama.

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u r missing the point, much or not, it wont stop. ppl will always have a reason to buy 1k gold or 200 usd or whatever they buy

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when the need for gold dries up the amount of bots in the game will go down significantly because at a certain point it becomes not worth the operation cost for the massive bot farms when they can farm what the gold buying market is after with a fraction of the amount of bot accounts

u rly believe that, right?

like gdkp is a thing since when in wow? 2015?

was no gold selling before that, right?

venezuelans had been selling gold since vanilla dude lol

this wont stop by banning a loot system, its in humans nature

ppl will travel irl to trade things for cash if needed

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Problem is those are more and more the unicorn not the norm. Difficult to find people who are willing to put in the time and effort it takes to maintain those when most players want to just raid log when its convenient for them. I raid lead a guild right now (Buying Time on whitemane | we’re recruiting btw) that cannot keep our roster full week to week already. It takes my 2 hours to find about 5 to 7 people to fill the raid out and we one night clear 11/12H.

Meanwhile run with Sweatzones and Flex 2 or 3 other times in the week and they almost always can fill a raid with great players and repeat players on time and without drama. I’ll take the GDKP everytime. Though admittedly I would be happier if the BOT and Gold Buying stuff was not inflating the economy and upper the barrier of entry to them.

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like i said you are delusional or dishonest because i clearly said it will go down not away. as you say its human nature to take the path of least resistance, old blizzard knew this and often took steps to limit players taking the path of least resistance with game changes because its not always what it best for the game