If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Can you pretty please lay off of the No True Scotsman fallacies. The overwhelming majority of players do not participate in GDKP raids and pretending that only the ones who do are “real” players is a child’s argument.

I went point by point through your list of “problems” and showed why none of them are actual problems that are in any way solved or even improved by GDKP and your response was:

People have substantively debunked every single one of your points and you’ve failed to respond in any way to the criticism of your idea that GDKP is necessary or in any way desirable. I competed in, coached, and judged debate. You don’t appear to even know what it is.


Fairly sure depending on the country they are from there is little if anything blizzard can do, same as people hosting private servers from certain countries so blizzard cant bring them down

There are international agencies that handle these things, even if it would be harder, there are avenues of action.

Is that why Era and WoTLK are all GDKP?

No, you didn’t. You simply said it isn’t a problem.

Summarized as “just don’t do bad things and nobody else will either”

If you don’t think it is a problem that’s fine, but don’t try to pass that off as dismantling my argument.

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You’re so close to understanding, man! Form real bonds of friendship instead of having transactional relationships and you’ll come to realize most people aren’t going to screw you over if you treat them well.


Have you considered alot of people quit WotLK because of the symptoms induced by GDKPs? I can tell you from personal experience it created a warp view of what ICC hard mode prog should be in the minds of a lot of people from my guild at the end of our time in WotLK. Thought to be fair the extended PTR for ICC did more damage than GDKPs ever could for that.

Still no substantial arguments huh? More personal attacks on me and my friends. Ironic you are talking about being kind when your name literally has hater in it. I’ve got some snake oil to sell you mate!

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If GDKP is so bad why does the community consistently flock to it? So much so that you and apparently the devs feel the need to “save” ourselves from the temptation to have fun.

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Considering the fairly consistent toxic behavior on the forums and in game from GDKPers I think the community as a whole has been very patient so far but to not acknowledge we are at a point where botting has never been more prevalent because of the massive financial incentive driven by GDKPs benefits no one

I’m the one personally attacked here, what are you talking about?

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IMO the best option would be to just ban in game advertising of GDKPs in trade or direct messaging and let the current GDKPers continue

That’s not true, bots in vanilla classic were much worse, and unmitigated.

Also, solve bots and gold selling. GDKP isn’t your enemy.

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just let a slow wind down happen

have to agree to disagree on that one. not a gold buyer myself so cant say for sure but i know the GDKP pots* started getting absolutely insane in WotLK, Multiple gold cap toons for one item? yeah thats normal

we are talking so much gold that it can only be used in a GDKP, that is not good for the game in any way. same with BoE blues that cost more gold than the average player will use on consume for the entire life cycle of SoD

You realize this gold dates back to vanilla classic right? Multiple gold caps existed back then and they copied it over, then traded it for era gold, and continued farming. We’re talking about millions and millions of gold.

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If your friends are not going to stick it through without the promise of gold payouts, as you’ve implied multiple times, they’re not very good friends. Call it a personal attack I don’t give a damn, I don’t know your friends I only know how you’ve characterized them, apparently in pursuit of falling on your own sword.

I’ve personally traded easily 100 million in gold in my raids since 2019. I’m aware bots farm a lot of gold. I’m against it.

but again, GDKP isn’t the problem. Gold inflation is a bot problem and a lack of gold sink problem. GDKP does nothing to inflate gold. What do you think is going to happen to flask prices? Same thing that happened in Era. We gonna ban Flasks?

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I’ve not characterized my friends in any way. You’re trying (and failing) to bring my personal relationships into this discussion. You’ve already admitted to experiencing a few of the issues I’ve mentioned in your guild. Moving on.

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You’d do these forums a favor if you really did move on

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