If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

They can always come back on an alt if the raid group doesn’t mind.

Not tolerating drama doesn’t make loot disagreements go away. I don’t tolerate drama. That doesn’t mean the problems outlined in the OP suddenly disappear. Maybe you simply choose to ignore them, that’s a separate issue for your raids. I don’t ignore them. I solved them with GDKP.

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Pretending resentment doesnt build in gdkps like that is disingenuous at best, more likely bad faith acting at this point.

This whole argument of “just play with an entire raid of people that always agree” is getting old. It is not gonna happen and if you think it does in your raid you’re mistaken.

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Idk…tears are salty and my doctor said I had to cut back on salt. :frowning:

You betray a certain level of ignorance when you base your whole argument around your group being perfect and drama-less yet can’t imagine anyone else getting along like that over anything other than the promise raw profits each week. Far from the bolded never happens in gdkps that you claim, these issues you list plague your average trade chat gdkp just like any other pug run. Surely you don’t deny this? If you want assurance that you’ll be treated fairly, you need to find good people that respect that too.

I didnt say my raid is perfect or that GDKP is perfect, quite the opposite. I said it is a 5/10 loot system at best and it has a host of problems that it creates. I went on to explain that GDKP is free from 10 problems that I view as significantly worse than any issues that are created by GDKP. In a GDKP you are free from these 10 problems. Please explain how any of them are possible in a GDKP. We can do better than a 5/10 loot system like GDKP. But banning it takes us back to loot systems already rejected by the community in favor of GDKP (look at WoTLK and Era).

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You have chosen…unwisely…

I’ve run GDKP since 2019 and literally the only complaints I’ve ever dealt with regarding loot are from people that were completely not paying attention and didn’t know it was a GDKP. That’s how elegantly it solves loot disagreements and drama.

MS>OS raids? Reserve raids? I can’t think of the last one I did with no drama.

I hear that if you just keep posting and are the last one to stick with the thread, that last post at the bottom makes you the winner.

Relax, you got this Berglemir. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. You might’ve lost GDKP for the phase, but you can still win this thread.


I’m here to debate the merits, but if you want to keep bumping my thread with nonsense toxic posts feel free.

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Every fresh alt a GDKP took as a buyer was a potential new recruit a lot of guilds needed to keep afloat during TBC and WotLK.
GDKPs caused a major issue then proudly called themselves the solution to the problem they created.

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Good lord, really? Okay, every recruit you took could have helped the struggling GDKP. Next.

I won’t let him win.

The fact you think that is comparable just shows how deluded people in GDKPs have become

Fight me on the merits then. I’ve been looking for any solid arguments.

GDKP has merits?

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The fact that you think everyone needs to play the same way you do and seek to ban alternative options says this. I’m advocating for everyone. Imagine the next thing they ban is gameplay you enjoy, just because I don’t.

You do little more than strawman, goal shift and gaslight repeatedly then have the audacity to claim no one is making solid arguments?


Banning it has merits?