If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Yeah i think it they need to unban gdkps as well its impacted the game negatively since the ban.

Not in my experience.
Population drop accounts for other issues and not solely the restriction on a loot distribution method.

Please stop spamming on multiple characters the same canned phrases. Blizz knows what they said and they have the data. You’ve asked - let them respond. Just remember that their silence is a response.

Yeah can’t wait for the policy change to unban gdkp’s going to be great fun.

GDKP is a raid system that addresses many problems that Blizzard simply didn’t consider because they never asked for feedback before implementing this policy on a whim.

Had they talked to folks like me in the GDKP community they would have learned that we’re also against RMT and we could have discussed more effective ways to combat RMT. Instead, they just laid down this draconian failed policy and ghosted the community on the topic.

cuz it’s JUST about RMT right?

My fondest memory was when i won top dps cut and could use the gold to boost my alts professions.

Heck ya brother, and it didnt cost you a dime!
Let the plebs swipe for it.

Let the anti gdkp people swipe for it!

Gdkp communities are some of the largest in the history of wow. Some GDKP discords rival the size of the entire SoD raiding population today. They also encourage cross guild friendships. Gdkp raiding is incredibly social, WAY more than trade chat pugs and even more than many guilds.

That’s incredible!

Have you been in any of the gdkp discords? They are massive communities that include dozens of guilds and thousands of individuals. Sometimes even 10k+ individuals

Its possible they do not want GDKP to choke out other methods of raiding. As it stands from my observations, GDKP was everywhere and did push most other raiding systems out at least from what I can tell.

Just because one thing is more prevalent, does not make it wholly popular among all players. People do it cuz they like it and those who dislike it are left with minimal options and either don’t raid or give up and do a GDKP anyway. Hard to beat the “come get paid to raid” set up. Sadly, ya know, bad actors and all for the overly beaten RMT horse.

So in order to accommodate a minority that prefer other styles of raiding…ban what the majority prefer? Does that sound like a good way to retain players?

You do not know who the majority or minority is so this isn’t a question you can ask.

Prevalent and popular are not the same thing. Though my word choice probably should have been better. Either way I am attempting to confer the idea that there may have been a population of people doing GDKP who may have preferred not to, or saw it as the only option regardless of if they like it or not.


If it wasnt a majority it wouldn’t dominate and, as you stated, push out other raid styles.

You didn’t read what I wrote if that is your take away.

If the majority didnt want to do GDKP, then they wouldn’t do gdkp. I’m not sure why that is even a question.

In order to push out other raid styles GDKP has to hit a critical mass. That’s not going to happen if most players prefer other raid styles. So clearly most players prefer GDKP, evidenced by its domination in all versions of classic wow (as inconvenient as that is for your viewpoint).

If there is one option, then even those who dislike that one option will feel pressed to do it if they want to access the content.

With GDKP pushing out other forms of raiding those people either make do or quit raiding.

Example: in my area I can ONLY reliably send mail via USPS, yet USPS is garbage in my area and I would prefer other options. I am using USPS because I feel I have to, not because I want to. (my other option is slower and more costly air freight mail).

Apologies that I asked you to think objectively on this one. It’s fine, you want your thing back, I get it.

Show me where in this interaction I have condemned anything or sided one way or another to make this comment needed?

Dude the game wasnt born with GDKP. It was not common in classic wow launch nor was it common when SoD launched. I hosed the first GDKP MC I’m aware of in classic 3 weeks after launch. 95% of folks had never heard of it. Slowly, it won people over and it become more popular. Then it was the most popular, then it was hard to raid any other way.

That is not people being forced, that’s people learning the benefits and converting.


I agree.

If they actually did surveys it would show that the majority are in favor of gdkps.

It was literally one of the anti arguments because it took over all of pug raiding.

Why don’t I see MS/OS or HR discords being spammed?

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